Webb Every Year Program

Blanton Way at Webb Institute

The Webb Every Year Program (WebbEY) was established during the 2006-2007 Annual Fund Campaign. Initially, this program was created to acknowledge alumni donors for their consecutive years of giving. Eventually, it was extended to include other members within our community and now recognizes family and friends. The WebbEY program was created strictly to recognize our donors’ consistency of support, regardless of gift amount.

In order to attain the status of becoming a WebbEY, a donor has to contribute to the Annual Fund for a minimum of five consecutive years. To show appreciation to our consecutive giving donors, Webb Institute now mails a pin to those in the five, 25 and 50-year consecutive giving categories.

Consecutive giving allows Webb to plan for a future with assurance and to continue to be recognized as the premier college of naval architecture and marine engineering. We wish to thank the following contributors for their loyalty and generosity and for attaining the distinct honor of achieving WebbEY status.

List as of January 2023.

Ronald J. Altmann ’63 Horton W. Lain ’55
Robyn J. Anders ’64 (n) John W. Larson ’53
Mario Iacobucci Andrea ’39 David S. Lawson, Jr. ’55
Victor W. Bethge ’53, GP’05 Gabriel F. Lefebvre, Jr. ’52
George W. Birkhead ’63 Bridget F. Lisnyk-Washlack ’63S (Hon.)
Thomas H. Bond ’45 Endel Mann ’60
David L. Butts ’44B Thomas N. Manuel ’54
Donald L. Caldera ’57 Bernard C. Mayer ’57
Albert R. Chovit ’51 Justin H. McCarthy ’55
W. Edward Christiansen ’58 Paul B. Mentz ’64 (n)
Roger H. Compton ’61, PG’64 Francis X. Nicastro ’56
Joseph J. Cuneo ’57 Ronald C. Olander ’55
Jerry W. Cuthbert ’56 Alfred I. Raff ’58
Frank P. Falci, Jr. ’54 Joseph A. Schetz ’58
James A. Fay ’44B Arthur W. Schmidt ’48
Kenneth W. Fisher ’64 (n) Daniel Schorsch ’58, GP’19
Alan G. Forssell ’53 Eugene Schorsch ’52
R. Mark Forssell ’55 Frederick Seibold, Jr. ’61
Charles Garland ’58 John J. Slager ’49
George A. Gilmore ’57 J. William Smith ’63
James Harvie ’55 Winston B. Sutter ’53
Kenneth L. Heitner ’64 (n) Reuben W. Taylor, Jr. ’55
Mark R. Henry ’62 William duBarry Thomas ’51
Peter A. Johnson ’56 Charles G. Visconti ’55
Donald E. Kane, Jr. ’48 Lawrence W. Ward PG’51
Robert L. Kelly ’46 Robert M. Wilkinson ’51
Edmund T. Klemmer ’44B William H. Young ’56
Mark R. Bebar ’70 Thomas P. Mastronarde ’69
David M. Bovet ’70 Thomas W. Mattson ’67
Steven G. Buttner ’70 John W. Newcomb ’66
Richard C. Celotto ’73 Charles G. Pieroth ’61, PG’64
David S. Chapman ’72 David R. Rodger ’63
Douglas H. Dirks ’66 James W. Royle, Jr. ’66
Peter B. Fontneau ’68 Ted A. Slotwinski ’73
Ralph E. Johnson ’68 Paul G. Snyder ’69
Ronald K. Kiss ’63 Joseph M. Verdon ’63
John A. ’71 and Amy F. Malone Robert J. vom Saal ’67
Henry S. Marcus ’65
Benjamin B. Ackers ’97 Eugene R. Miller III ’96
Jonathan R. Amy ’70 James R. Moody ’82
James K. Antrim ’72 Brian M. Mulligan ’94
Dennis F. Antweiler ’71X Ian Mutnick ’96
Roderick A. Barr ’60 (n) Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mutnick, P’96
Gerald E. Bellows ’71 Richard P. Neilson ’70
David B. Benson ’56 Jake M. Neuman ’93
George J. Berger ’66 Erik Nilsson ’93
Matthew D. Blake ’78 Henry A. Olson ’63
Robert H. Bolling ’97 Steven Pagan ’88
Andrew S. Bond ’98 Jennifer B. Panosky ’85
Albert H. Bowers, III ’62 Jay E. and Phyllis Paris ’64
Joseph L. Brennan ’79 Jonathan G. Parrott ’79
Stuart C. Bunnell ’70 Jane N. Partanen, P’87 (n)
Arthur and Marilyn Burr ’54 David R. Pedrick ’70
Thomas W. and Carol J. Campbell, ’69, P’99 George H. Plude ’54X
William M. Cannon ’65 Craig A. Pomeroy ’83
Jay P. Carson ’73 Richard Pomfret ’62
Yongjun Chen PG’99 (n) Philip M. Poullada ’78
Fred B. Chester ’66 Irving G. Raphael ’67
George L. Colborn ’54X Lisa M. Read ’97
Matthew D. Collette ’99 (n) Thomas C. Rider ’82
Michael D. Comens ’72 Benjamin E. Rising ’93
Alexander Delli Paoli ’50 Brandt and Helen Rising, P’93
Victoria Dlugokecki ’88 Paul W. Risseeuw ’65
Grant B. Dugan ’81 (n) Geoffrey S. Rivinius ’75
James R. Dwyer ’72 Richard C. Rodi ’64X
John L.R. ’87 and Alicia Edgar III John K. Roper ’53
Mr. and Mrs. John Fielding, P’96 Joseph G. Rudnicki ’73
J. Carey Filling, Jr. ’93 Kenneth Rusinek ’72
Willa N. France ’72 John W. Russell ’67
Geoffrey D. Fuller ’72 Jennifer R. Ryan ’99 (n)
Mark W. Gagnon ’82 Kit Ryan ’67
Peter A. Gale ’59 Christian Saether ’75
John P. Gallagher ’74 Arthur C. Sargent ’53
Neil J. Gallagher ’78 Christine Schleicher ’89
Daniel B. Gebhardt ’95 Dean M. Schleicher ’88
Michael L. Gerardi ’82 Richard Schmitt ’62
Thomas W. Gillette ’52 Alfred H. Schwendtner ’54
Richard A. Gilmore ’77 Lewis R. Sheldon III ’73
 John L. Glaeser, ’68, P’03 David M. Shepard ’85 (n)
Douglas C. Goldhirsch ’85 Edward Shope ’59
John A. Graap, Jr. ’61 Reed D. Sigfridson ’73
David J. Grant ’98 Michael L. Silber ’63
Stuart R. Greene ’95, P’28 Joseph A. Signorelli ’54
Gregory M. Griffin ’77 Peter A. Silvia ’62
Charles L. Grover III ’58 John W. Sims ’52
Christoph A. Grueneis ’92 Richard A. Smith ’76
Lance O. Guliani ’81 Douglas L. Snediker ’98, PG’99
Jacques B. Hadler (Hon.) John A. Springer III ’82
William B. Hale ’78 David G. St. Amand ’77
John W. Hall ’63 Jeremy A. Stahlin ’66
Raymond S. Hall, Jr. ’58 Jerry L. Steiner ’70
James R. Hancock ’67 Robert J. Stortstrom ’77
Daniel H. Harris ’85 Luke L. Suda ’80
Nancy A. Harris ’88 Thomas S. Taylor ’53
John G. Harrison ’70 (n) Catherine A. Tedesco ’94
Theresa Haven ’92 (n) Matthew P. Tedesco ’91 (n)
Charles E. Hawkins IV ’91 Michael J. Telfer ’98
Paul W. Hayes ’54 Daniel H. Thompson ’57
Robert B. Hedges ’53 Bernard M. Thomson III ’66
David A. Helgerson ’77 Owen W. Tredennick ’97
Dane M. Hendrix ’84 Christopher N. Tupper ’75
John F. Hillmann ’56 Stephen and Joan Turns, P’00
Ernest L. Holmboe ’61 Anthony A. Urbanelli ’75
David S. Homiak ’75 John D. Van Buskirk ’76 (n)
Manuel G. Hontoria ’88 Edward S. Van Dusen ’67 (n)
Michael J. Hughes ’88 (n) Peter Van Dyke ’60
D. Michael Hutchings ’95 John Vasilakos ’77
Stephen R. Judson ’74 Paul G. Vibrans ’71
Joseph J. Kelleher ’84 Edward V. Vienckowski ’78
Karl L. Kirkman ’65 Phillip J. Wagner ’78 (n)
David and Sandra Kleiman, P’87 William G. Wallace ’65
Richard and Jennifer ’91 Kollmer Jennifer K. Waters ’91, P’20
Stephen D. Koopman ’91 Thomas J. Waters ’89, P’20 (n)
Russell E. Kupferer ’99 (n) Paul T. Weber ’92
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kupferer, P’99 Peter F. Weber ’74
Charles Kurz II (Hon.) Abbott D. Weiss ’63
Jon J. ’76 and Deborah W. LaBerge Jana Wesson ’95
Heidi C. Landen-Greene ’96, P’28 Michael J. Whalen ’79
Marc T. Limeri ’77 (n) Thomas A. Wheaton ’77
William T. Lindenmuth ’63 Carl P. Wilson ’51
Eric and Pat Linsner ’70 Karl R. Witmer ’75
Wilbur J. Mahony PG ’58 Daniel W. Yannitell ’62
James W. McCoy ’57 Don B. Young ’60
Bill R. McEachen ’84 Peter B. Zahn ’80, P’05
Robert McGowan ’62 (n) Gary R. Zane ’77
Jim McMahon ’85 Michelle L. Zikeli ’97
Thad J. Michael ’97 Peter F. Zink ’72
R. Keith Michel ’73 Anonymous (2)
Eugene R. Miller, Jr. ’64, P’96
Ryan J. Babb ’02 Albert N. Kamahi ’93
Nigel and Sherry Beale, P’01 Robert and Wilma Kehl, P’91, GP’20
Gwendalyn D. Benoit ’01 Andrew R. Kondracki ’83
Mr. James B. Benoit, P.E., ’01 Thomas E. Koster ’67
Michael R. Birmann ’86 Christopher M. Lake ’96 (n)
Jeffrey B. Bowles ’00 Susan E. Lake ’99 (n)
Damian Bozzacco ’00 Donald R. and Stella Lee, P’89
Stephen R. Breit ’79 Duncan T. MacLane ’78
Terry E. Brockett ’62 Jeffrey S. Magrane ’89
Kyle S. Brunelle ’82 Robert J. Marinelli ’73
Corey L. Bruno ’02 Mark F. Martecchini ’79, P’09
Thomas and Susan Burns, P’08 (n) Gary W. McCue ’75
Peter D. Canning ’72 John R. Mixon ’97
Chad S. Caron ’98 David G. Moorhead ’65
Louis T. Codega ’78, P’14 Melissa K. Morgan ’86
R. Perry Connell ’97 Katharine A. C. Munkenbeck ’04 (n)
Anthony T. Constable ’02 Liam C. O’Connell ’98
Karyn V. Cox ’02 Joel R. Parry ’79 (n)
Andrew J. DeSpirito ’03 John R. Paul ’69
Jacqueline A. DeSpirito ’02 Walter D. Rabe ’70
Nicholas M. Dombrowski ’02 Robert C. Ranzenbach ’82
Philip S. Douthit ’72 Daniel and Beth Reifsnyder, P’08 (n)
Jon K. Elliott PG’68 Edward A. Rerisi ’96
Allen D. Evans ’61 Scott Richards ’77 (n)
S. Allen Face III ’70 Bruce S. Rosenblatt (Hon.)
Jaye Falls ’95 Karen G. Rossbach ’91
Matthew R. Fox ’04 (n) Eric Runnerstrom ’69
Douglas H. Frauenberger ’02 Spencer A. Schilling, Jr. ’82
Scott G. Furr ’00 James J. Shaughnessy ’89
Paul F. Gallagher ’87 Steven and Melissa Shepstone ’77
Bradley D. Golden ’99 Luke A. Shingledecker ’00
Richard S. Graham ’83 Richard B. Siek ’74
James N. Greenlees ’72 John E. Sirutis ’67
Ryan E. Hackel ’04 (n) Richard A. Smith ’03
Robert W. Hall ’67, P’95 Joel P. Sodowsky ’96, PG’97
Brian D. Heberley ’01 Larry K. Stephens ’63
Christine L. Heberley ’02 Richard W. Thorpe ’55
Christopher A. Hicks ’99 Lennert O. Thunberg ’58
Russell H. Hoffman ’74 Jeanne E. Torstenson ’93, PG’97
John C. Hootman ’01 Elizabeth A. Tuckel ’01
Jay S. Howell ’72 Jason P. Updegraph ’01
Joseph A. Hubbard ’95 Peter K. Wallace ’93
William C. Hurt III ’59 Britton R. Ward ’95
Alma C. M. Jacobson ’01 Timothy Yen ’04 (n)
Donald R. Jacobson ’01 Thomas E. Zielinski ’72
Cameron M. Baker ’07 William J. Markuske ’10 (n)
Robert I. Barra ’07 Nikolas P. Martecchini ’09
Susan C. Barra, P’07 Wayne D. Martin ’67
William and Nancy Bartling, P’13 (n) Joshua S. McMinn ’09
Christopher J. Becker ’08 John A. Mercier ’60
Robert and Charlene Benoit, P’01 Jason W. Minett ’06
Ray and Diana Boltz, P’12 (n) Kathleen Cain Minnich ’07
W. Porter Bratten III ’08 Stephen T. Minnich ’08
Peter C. Bryn ’06 Michael G. Morabito ’05
Michael Bushnell ’69 (n) Brent J. Morrison ’11
Robert B. Carelli ’09 Joseph D. Mott, Jr. ’75 (n)
Brendan M. Carr ’07 Andrei Mouravieff ’09
Paul D. Chapman ’67 Amanda M. Malarkey-Nair ’10 (n)
David H. Collins ’73 (n) John D. Nonemaker II ’10 (n)
Martin and Donna Cover, P’92 Andrew J. Nowakowski ’10 (n)
Thomas B. Crowley, Jr. (Hon.) Matthew H. O’Leary ’07
Thomas E. Dickenson ’92 Laura K. Patterson ’09
Lowell and Christine Dickerson ’10 (n) Brian J. Petersen ’07
Jonathan H. Dowsett ’09 George L. Petrie ’70 (n)
Alana Duerr ’08 Daniel J. Platt ’87
Phillip S. Duerr ’09 Andrew W. Polay ’00
Edward C. DuMont Neil and Judith Polay, P’00
Robert E. Dvorak ’07 Herman S. Preiser ’49
Michael S. Eaton ’06 Douglas A. Read ’97 (n)
David D. Eberhardt ’07 Jeffrey D. Reifsnyder ’08
Brian P. R. Eisenhower ’06 Robin S. Rose ’09
Courtney C. Ewing ’05 Tedi R. Rybovich ’10 (n)
Richard and Marylou Ferrieri, P’11 Daniel and Vivian Sarles, P’10
Austin J. French ’09 David J. Sawyer ’08
Adam E. Geary ’07 Rachel A. Sawyer ’09
Jacob M. Genauer ’10 (n) LCDR and Mrs. Alexander L. Scott ’10 (n)
Richard A. Goldbach ’58 Benjamin Scott and Patricia Shustock, P’10
Robert D. Goldbach ’58 (n) Justin P. Shell ’08
William T. Gotta ’07 Lorne B. Sheren ’73
David M. Gross ’10 (n) Elizabeth M. Singleton ’07
George Gross, P’10 (n) Mark Skinner ’67X
Arthur Cheliotes and Linda Gross-Cheliotes, P’10 Douglas J. Slocum ’10 (n)
Paul and Ruth Guenther Bret and Denise Smart, P’09
David W. Gustavson ’78 Bret S. Smart Jr. ’09
Evelyn R. Hackel ’05 Emerson L. Smith ’08
Thomas R. Hagner ’66 Luke C. Soletic ’08
Andrew D. Harville ’09 Kelly T. Sonerholm ’06
Daniel R. Healy ’87, P’21 (n) Leah R. Sosa ’08
Douglas S. Henn ’79 John R. Stebe ’08
Robert and Susan Henry, P’97 Steven M. Stone ’06
Scott C. Henry ’97 Richard L. Storch ’67 (n)
Taylor M. Herinckx ’06 Gailmarie Sujecki (Hon.) (n)
Halsey C. Herreshoff ’55 (n) John J. Sullivan IV ’01 (n)
Caitlin E. Jarecki ’05 Sean M. Sundey ’03
Vincent J. Jarecki III, ’05 Christopher Swanton ’98 (n)
Robert K. Jenner ’70 Theodore L. Thorsen ’61
Roy E. Johnson ’62 Thomas P. Tindale ’10 (n)
Eric Jordan ’05 Jessica K. Tomczak ’08
Lauren N. Kadlec ’09 Michael E. Trottier ’10 (n)
Ivan N. Kirschner ’81X Matthew D. Turns ’00
Robert J. Kleinschmit ’06 Adam H. Van Doren ’08
John R. Knobel ’73 Kristin P. Van Doren ’08
Cody C. Kurtz ’08 Homer N. Wallin, Jr. PG’62
Michael G. LaGrassa ’07 Jonathan D. Ward ’09
Andrew R. Lange ’06 Webb Alumni Association
Stephen J. Lardie ’73 (n) William C. Webster ’59
Cyrus J. Lawyer IV ’06 Matthew R. Werner ’95, PG’97 (n)
Peter S. C. Lee ’10 (n) Emily E. Whitman ’05
Jonathan D. Leivo ’07 Sarah E. Wickenheiser ’08
Lauren R. LeRoy ’05 Vincent S. Wickenheiser ’08
Lindsey K. Lindgren ’08 Simmy D. Willemann ’10 (n)
Dian M. Look ’09 John P. Wise ’09
Anthony J. Loreto ’08 Scott G. Withee ’72 (n)
Christopher H. Lyons ’10 (n) Stefan T. Wolczko ’09
Walter M. Maclean (n) Mark K. Wolf ’95
Daniel A. Malarkey ’06 Meldon J. Wolfgang IV ’93
Daniel S. Mannheim ’08 Matthew B. Zahn ’05
Matthew G. Marburger ’07 Aurore V. Zuzick ’09
Michael A. Abbruscato ’11 Michael D. LaRose ’13
Paulo A. Almeida ’95 Karl and Pamela Leivo, P’07
American Bureau of Shipping Christopher Licato ’15 (n)
Kenneth C. Anderson ’82 Douglas J. Loeser ’73 (n)
A. Todd Andre-Colton ’74, P’05 Andrew Lum ’12
Paul and Julie Backas, P’16 Muriel Magrane, P’89
Kevin D. Baetsen ’77 (n) Kyle R. Manis ’12
William B. Bartling ’13 Glen W. Margolis ’85
Thomas A. Beckley ’95 Ian S. McMahon ’11
Janet Berger, P’96, GP’28 Barton W. McPheeters ’85
Scott D. Black ’90 (n) Douglas R. McPherson ’75
Alan M. Bolind ’98, PG’99 Greggory B. Mendenhall
Gail A. Broome, P’91 Jack and Corrine Mills, P’16
Judson B. Broome ’91 (n) Justin M. Morgan ’92 (n)
Drs. George (Hon.) and Mary Campbell George and Tatiana Mouravieff, P’09, P’11, P’16
Gregory E. Castleman ’76 Sean P. Murphy ’13
Esteban L. Castro ’11 Schuyler J. Needham ’12 and Lidia Mouravieff Needham ’11
Michael J. Chen ’15 (n) George P. Neyman PG’66
Michael G.K. Cheng ’12 Gerardo E. Nixon ’13
Allan S. Childers ’12 Michael and Catherine Nowakowski, P’10
James Codega ’14 William F. Nugent ’90 (n)
Peter R. Coe ’76 John F. O’Dea ’68
Nolan Conway ’15 (n) TK Foundation/Orange County Community Foundation
Seth D. Cooley ’10 Cody C. Owen ’15 (n)
Joseph N. Corvelli ’93 Ryan A. Pfeifer ’11
John C. Couch (Hon.) Alexandra L. Pitti ’15 (n)
Jason M. Dahl ’02 (n) Russell C. Pollock ’08
Donald C. Deckebach II ’63 Gabriel A. Poritz ’15 (n)
Christopher B. Decker ’95 David and Karen Przelomski, P’16
Mr. and Mrs. George T. DeSpirito, P’03 Donald E. Rickerson III ’13
Greg Diggs ’91 Lawrence and Eilene Riemer, P’05
Jacqueline C. Diggs ’92 John M. Ringelberg PG’67
Hampton K. Dixon ’11 Gabrielle Rini ’87 (n)
Satchel Douglas ’15 (n) Benjamin T. Rockwell ’15 (n)
Robert and Diane Dvorak, P’07 (n) Christopher Rose ’11
Daniel A. Dwyer ’13 Joshua W. Rothman ’10 (n)
John S. Eck ’90 David L. Rusnak ’88 (n)
Samuel R. Ernst ’03 Dustin R. Rybovich ’10
Harrison and Lyn Faas, P’07 Cullen D. Sarles ’10
Nathan S. Fast ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Barth Semenoro, P’95 (n)
Jenna M. Ferrieri ’11 Joern Ilja and Silke Siepmann, P’17
Benjamin Fisher ’11 Monique Sinmao ’93
John A. Fleming ’12 David Smith ’14
Peter W. Flemming ’75 Daniel J. Snyder ’10
Robert P. Fooks ’85 Jonathan J. Soja ’13
Bradley J. Gelles ’10 (n) Lynn Sosa and Jeff Parkin, P’08
Matthew Gianforcaro ’15 (n) John S. Spencer ’69
Robert F. and Sandra Gill III, P’02 (n) Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Stusse, P’00
Fred Gordon ’78 VADM Paul E. Sullivan
Alison and Hal Granger, P’14 (Hon.) Luther Tai
Rachel Granger ’14 The G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation
Samuel Granger ’14 Andrew Thompson ’15 (n)
Timothy Graul ’63X (n) Steven W. Torok ’97 (n)
David S. Greeley ’76 Kirk E. Torstenson ’93 (n)
Steven Guglielmoni ’12 Tyler Totten ’15 (n)
Mary A. Hafner Daniel Turoff ’15 (n)
Nathan T. Hagan ’12 Stephanie Van Denburg, P’01 (n)
Alexander Hanford ’15 Justin C. Van Emmerik ’13
Christopher and Maricar Harris, P’19, P’22 (n) Matthew B. Weklar ’15 (n)
Eric Harris ’14 Katherine A. Whalen ’11
Zachary J. Harris ’11 Marcin H. Whitman ’81
Arthur L. Harrison ’59 Jocelyn Wilson (Hon.)
Casey M. Harwood ’11 Evan Wingfield ’15 (n)
Alexander Iley ’14E Ethan T. Wiseman ’11
Daniel P. Jacques ’87 Jerod L. Wyman ’98 (n)
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Kamahi, P’93 Tin-Guen Yen ’98
Richard S. Kim ’11 Wesley Yland ’15 (n)
Justin R Klag ’11 Amy Zahray ’14
Michael E. Klein ’11 Douglas C. Zangre ’13 and Samantha J. Griswold ’14
Clinton W. Kreitner PG’65 Anthony Zic
David C. Kring ’88 Richard T. Zuerner ’59X
Andrew J. Lachtman ’11 Anonymous (2)
Joshua R. Lambertsen ’11
Christopher D. Allard ’04 (n) Caroline Macri ’87
Catherine M. Anderson ’93 Robert and Susan Malarkey, P’06, P’10
John and Elaine Applegate Matson Navigation Company
Zachary P. Backas ’16 (n) Jeff and Lynn Matthes, P’23
Matthew V. Barlin ’97 Ian W. McCauley ’10
Alexander D. Bashkoff ’17 Mary E. McGuinness ’20
Louis J. Bock III ’20 (n) Nathan J. McKenzie ’98
M. Spenser Boyd ’17 Joshua Michel and Beth Pysz
Thomas J. Brackin ’16 Andre and Anny Milbitz, P’20
Trish Bratten, P’08 David H. Milligan ’77 (n)
Casey P. Brown ’16 Brian T. Mills ’16
Ian R. Busch ’88 James M. Moss ’97
Taylor Campbell ’19 Ilya Mouravieff ’16
Erica L. Carter ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt G. Muller, P’94
Joseph Cascio Richard and Mary Murphy, P’13
Kathryn A. Chaffee ’16 Stephen K. Neely ’85
Ian Y. Cho ’17 Roy A. Neyman ’77 (n)
Ryan E. Chozick ’18 Galen W. Ng ’20 (n)
Wayne H. Christensen, Jr. ’61 Josiah Ng ’19
Walter B. Christmas PG ’61 Clarence O’Connor ’15 (n)
Joseph Comer Robert and Bonna Leah Patrick, P’08
Charles N. Corrado ’83 Mark D. Paulhus ’85
Christopher C. Critchett ’91, PG’97 Dale E. Pederson ’12
Joy Davis Thomas J. Perrotti, Jr. ’85
DeLaCour Family Foundation William S. Peters ’81
Michael and Kristine DeNapoli, P’20 Andrew Pidduck ’19
Michael J. DeNapoli ’20 (n) Max W. Pierce ’20 (n)
John A. DiBlasi ’86 (n) Dylan Przelomski ’16
John G. Dixon ’20 (n) David C. Purdy ’50
C. Mitch Dmohowski ’88 Nicholas J. Ratinaud ’18 (n)
Mara M. DuVernois ’20 Taylor M. Reiss ’18
Alexander N. Dzinbal ’17 Mike and Deb Roske, P’19
Robert and Eileen Eaton, P’06 Ellen G. Schorsch ’58S, GP’19
Fred P. Endrizzi ’62 Lisa Mende Senus
Wm. Jason Flatt ’98, PG’99 Philip J. Shapiro
Elizabeth M. Forssell (n) Patricia C. Smith, P’76
Frederic R. Coudert Foundation Raub W. Smith ’79
Nathan B. Frederickson ’96 Joel D. Snyder III PG’68
Dylan M. Froriep ’16 Andrew T. Speirs ’97
Lee and Claire Froriep, GP’16 Robert B. Steinbach ’72
Raymond A. Gagliardi, II ’18 Stanley C. Stockdale ’73
Declan Gaylo ’19 Kelly J. Sturdy ’16
Patrick J. Gilmartin (Hon.) Alexander B. Taber ’20 (n)
Oleg Golubev ’16 Jeffrey and Andrea Taber, P’20
Alec R. Gonzalez ’20 (n) Harrison M. Tack ’20 (n)
Mauricio and Pamela Gonzalez, P’20 Thomas and Melanie Tack, P’20
Michael J. Goodwin ’69 Robert J. Talarico ’12
Thomas and Joan Gotta, P’07 The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, Inc.
Matthew Graham ’14 Abishai Thomas ’19
Tyler J. Gray-Hoehn ’18 Easton Tilicki ’19
C. Kent Greenwald ’80 Thomas Z. Tinnell ’20 (n)
James A. Gretzky ’80 John F. Towle
Jonathan T. Hale ’18 Michael and Theresa Tremblay, P’20
Nicholas Hanslin ’18 Renee’ M. Tremblay ’20 (n)
Richard C. Harris (Hon.) Barr Turner ’17
William R. Harris ’19 Geoffrey F. Uttmark, P’23
Kenneth J. Harte ’57X Stephen J. Van Denburg ’01 (n)
Bill Helming ’73 Margaret R. Verdon ’63S
Henry and Natalie Herbermann, P’21 Carol A. Vernon ’83
Matthew and Theresa Herinckx, P’06 Paul R. Vragel ’72
Christopher G. Hooper ’11 Sean P. Walker ’18
Mark F. Huang ’88 Linda Waters ’20 (n)
Erin Hub ’16 Lori Webb, P’23 (n)
Jessica Hurt, P’01 Robert Webb, P’23
Michael J. Imbesi ’17 Lauren A. West ’16 (n)
Patricia B. Jeffers, P’01 Gabriel D. Weymouth ’01
Spencer Johnson ’93 Donald and Carolyn White, P’99
William and Donna Jordan, P’96 Elizabeth E. White ’99
Jackson W. Juska ’21 Stephen D. White ’99
Matthew H. Kelley ’88 Edwin G Wiggins (Hon.)
James Kelly ’19 George and Sally Wiley, GP’19
June Kiss ’63S (Hon.) Peter Wiley ’19
Kurt Kramer ’63X Geoffrey D. M. Wilkie ’82 (n)
Geoffrey G. Landon ’79 Hannah M. Wistort ’17
Benjamin Lee ’19 Kent D. Woodward ’68 (n)
Du Y. Lee ’20 (n) Brandon J. Wui ’20 (n)
Simon and Mabel Lee, P’05 Thomas and Lynn Wunder, P’14
Sarah M. Leitner ’95 James K. Wylie ’75 (n)
Marguerite Lenfest (n) David M. Yannitell ’67 (n)
Thomas E. Linden ’20 (n) Nicholas Yarka ’20 (n)
Blake Loncharich ’19 Andrew S. Zahn ’76
Brianna G. Louie ’17 Anonymous (4)
David and Rebecca Louie, P’17

New member (n) – Honorary alumnus/a (Hon.) – Spouse of deceased alumnus/a (S) – Exchange student (E) – The names of deceased donors are italicized.