A Message to the Class of 2024

Congratulations on your acceptance to Webb Institute!
We are looking forward to officially welcoming you aboard in August!

To the Class of 2024,

We know that this spring has been challenging for many and far from what we have all considered to be normal. We, like many colleges across the United States, are monitoring the ongoing developments nationwide as we prepare and plan for this upcoming academic year.

Our current plan and hope is that your official welcome into the Webb Family will happen on campus on Move-In Day on August 18th. Over the past month, Webb has worked diligently during this spring semester to keep the 17 members of the student body and the staff who remain on campus safe from COVID-19 by implementing a variety of health and safety protocols. These and additional protocols, which focus on protecting the Webb community will be in place when we welcome you to campus. We are fortunate that Webb’s size and location allow more flexibility than most colleges; however, we will only open the campus to you and the rest of our student body if we believe we can do so in a safe manner. The cooperation of all employees and the entire student body in following the health and safety protocols will be crucial to allowing the campus to reopen.

We also recognize that welcoming the student body back to campus this August may not be possible based on government regulations and the conditions within New York State and the nation. We are contingency planning for this situation as well, working hard to ensure that Webb can provide you with the education that Webb is known for no matter the mode of delivery. Our contingency plan may include virtual classes and activities if needed for part or all of the fall semester. We will continue to monitor this situation and will make a final decision about the nature of the fall semester no later than June 15th. Rest assured; you will receive timely notifications of any changes to our fall semester plans. In addition, if there is a delay in coming to campus, revised charges and fees will be announced well in advance and, where appropriate, refunds will be provided

Our hope is that regardless of the format of the fall semester that you are excited to join us for this upcoming academic year. However, if you are considering taking a gap year because of the uncertain situation surrounding COVID-19, we understand. To apply, we require that you submit your request, reasoning for your request, and plans for the next year to ude.bbew@snoissimda by May 7, 2020. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” I continue to be in awe of the strength and generosity of the Webb Family that you will soon be a part of, especially when the seas are not so smooth. I know together we can weather this storm, and I look forward to seeing you all navigate a successful four-year journey at Webb!

Please know that as soon as the Class of 2024 is finalized, we will be sending you your Enrollment Packet. Your packet will include the information you need to prepare for the start of your Webb experience.

We look forward to welcoming you to Webb as a member of our family in a few short months!

Lauren Carballo
Director of Admissions and Student Affairs

Webb Cares

The well-being of Webb family members continues to be at the forefront of our efforts.

It has been Webb’s tradition that each spring Freshmen take part in Webb’s Phon-a-thon—reaching out to alumni, parents & grandparents of alumni, and friends who have generously supported the school. These phone calls are made in support of Webb’s Annual Fund, which provides the financial resources to support so many important programs and initiatives, including student support (scholarships, travel, research, training, thesis work, etc.), student activities (sports, clubs, art, etc.), technology acquisition, library acquisitions, faculty support, and much more. Phon-a-thon calls take place following solicitation mailings prepared by Webb’s Development Office and sent on behalf of the Alumni Fund Chairman (Jake Neuman ’93), Parent of Alumni Fund Chairman (Hal Granger, honorary alumnus, P’14), and President Michel ’73.

This spring we have once again sent letters requesting financial support for the school through the Annual Fund. While Webb needs the support of our benefactors more than ever, we understand that some have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, instead of asking Webb Freshmen to assist in Webb fundraising, we are asking student volunteers of all class years to join us in Webb Cares. 

As part of Webb Cares, Webbies will call members of the Webb family to make sure everyone is safe and sound. They will call the eldest members of our community first and hope to reach as many of Webbies as possible. They will share their recent experiences, including Winter Work and their transition to distance learning. 

I hope you welcome this opportunity to connect with Webb students.  Despite the geographic distance separating us, they are eager to help make the Webb family closer than ever.

Because Webb Cares.

Anthony R. Zic
Director of Development

Student workers from the Class of 2022 at last year’s Phonathon.

COVID-19 Fund

Dear Webb Family,

I hope that you and your families are in good health.

On March 30th, President Michel provided detailed insights into the extensive efforts made by Webb to ensure the safety of students and staff.  This ongoing effort is of utmost importance. As our nation and local community adapt to the most recent developments, so does Webb! 

President Michel also took this opportunity to introduce the COVID-19 Fund, a special fundraising drive to assist with operations costs. Over $10,000 was received by Webb in the first week alone, some of which came from donors making their first-ever gift to Webb! We are grateful to each and every donor that has recognized this special time of need.

As is the case with so many of the nation’s colleges and universities, Webb will issue pro-rated refunds for the Spring 2020 semester room and board costs. Although a number of parents have generously indicated their intentions to give back some or all of this anticipated refund, Webb projects a significant loss of revenue. The decrease in revenue, coupled with new expenses related to Webb’s migration to distance learning including the acquisition of information technology equipment, has placed additional strain on Webb’s financial resources. The COVID-19 Fund provides much needed resources to help offset the unexpected financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic.

As you contemplate your investment in Webb, please consider supplementing your Annual Fund support of Webb with a special gift to the COVID-19 fund. Please remember that Webb’s Giving year ends on June 30.

If you have questions about giving to Webb, please email me at ude.bbew@ciza or call me at 516-641-6372.

Stay safe and well during these challenging times.

Anthony Zic,
Director of Development


by Isa Hill ’20

When the news hit that Webb was closing for the semester and that students would have to take classes remotely, it was a shock for everyone. We, at Webb, are not accustomed to change. For some, home was not an option due to an at-risk relative, hands-on thesis, or other reasons. Thankfully, our Webb family was here to help. Eighteen students stuck around on campus, and we are experiencing a whole new Webb.

First, nearly all of the staff has left campus. Those of us who are still here had to take on a lot of the responsibilities of the staff that can no longer come in to support the campus. Chef Rob still cooks for us during the week, but we now help with dishes and cook our own meals on the weekends. Some of the staff who have stayed on campus, including Josie, Marissa, President Michel, and Rhonda have taken on new chores as well.

Webb Students Cooking Dinner
Students cooking a dinner of fajitas with tres leches cake for dessert.

Another new aspect of life on campus is that a small group of us now have run of the whole place, including the new building. We can spread-out all-over campus to study, we can use the whole school’s pub and student kitchen (SK) stock, and we can use every couch and television on campus. Some have taken this to a greater extreme than others (see photo above).

Though so much has changed, and the campus is quite a bit emptier, some things never change at Webb. For one thing, our beautiful campus is jumping into spring with no care for coronavirus. The old and new cherry trees all over campus have bloomed, and the spring weather has begun.

Peggy's Garden
Peggy’s Garden in the bloom of spring.

Another thing that never changes is that we find ways to get away from our work. With the run of campus, and no way to leave, we even get outside quite a bit (a shock for Webb students, I know). We have found every possible way to entertain ourselves on campus. One student fixed up a motorbike that has spent years in the student garage so that we could race it on the dirt field that is the soccer field. Some students have taken on campus improvement, clearing out old storage spaces and fixing broken things around campus.

Enjoying the spring weather on Boysie Bollinger Courtyard
Enjoying the spring weather on Boysie Bollinger Courtyard.

Even as we sit in the dining hall with a seat between each person, gather in groups no larger than five, and take classes on our computers in separate rooms, life still goes on at Webb. We miss the rest of our Webb family, and we wish we could have our usual spring party line-up, but we’ve found a new way to live at Webb. We have learned to adapt to the new Webb: to clean up after ourselves, to share everything from snacks to school supplies, to stay in touch with the outside world only through our computers (okay so not much has changed there), and to support each other through this crazy time. Though the semester doesn’t look quite like it normally does, the Webb family continues both on and off-campus. All our love to our family, friends, and classmates at home!

A Note from the Underclassmen at Webb:

by Shannon Liu ’21

For the underclassmen, we aren’t exactly near most of our classmates.  Although, we have made it work out. The juniors have an online classroom setting through Discord, and weekly JackBox game nights through Zoom and sometimes Discord depending on the internet connection. Most of our assignments these days are group or partner assignments, but we have been making it work. Distance just makes the heart grown fonder, and I think the reunion in the fall will be a very energetic one.

Message to the Webb Family

On March 2nd, students returned from their winter work internships bristling with energy and enthusiasm, as they took their first classes in the spectacular new Couch Academic Center. Two weeks later, students were asked to return home and we began online instruction. As I write this letter, New York is emerging as the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic with NYC and Long Island accounting for over 5% of worldwide cases. Yes, these are truly challenging and uncertain times. Those of us at Webb are most appreciative of the emails of support we have received from so many of you, asking how we are doing and seeking ways to assist us. This letter describes some of the actions we have taken over the last month as we continue to fulfill our mission of providing Webb students with the best possible education while safeguarding the health and safety of the Webb community.

Our dormitories remain open for students who need to be here. While we encouraged students to go home and take classes remotely, we permitted students to stay on campus if the student and his/her parents felt that was the safer option. Examples include students unable to go home, those with family members who are first responders (e.g. doctors and nurses), and those with family members in higher-risk categories (e.g. with compromised immune systems or underlying illnesses). A total of seventeen students are now living on campus, housed in Motley Hall in single rooms.

All courses were moved online as of March 16th, with Dean Werner and all faculty members providing instruction from home. We quickly purchased necessary information technology equipment, both hardware and software, and the Dean provided training for those faculty members without experience in distance learning. Although we have faced a few challenges due to slower internet/WiFi transmission rates at some homes, the early feedback is that remote learning is working well. Professors are working closely with students that had thesis projects utilizing campus-based test facilities, finding alternatives that accomplish the educational goal while allowing for completion by the end of the semester

By March 16th, those Webb staff members that can effectively work at home were asked to do so. On March 22nd, when New York Governor Cuomo issued a directive requiring 100% of non-essential personnel to work from home, we made a few additional reductions in onsite staff. Today, we are operating with eight staff working on campus, six of whom are living on campus. These staff members are responsible for keeping the campus functioning including student oversight, accounting, infrastructure maintenance, and providing meals to students.

This lean staff places a considerable burden on those remaining on campus. For example, “Chef Rob” is the only culinary staff member left on campus. He is doing yeoman’s work, ordering all provisions and cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner on all weekdays. Students and staff are washing dishes to alleviate some of his workload. On weekends, Chef Rob provides the food and the students cook and clean up themselves. I am writing this letter on Sunday afternoon, having just enjoyed a student prepared brunch consisting of banana crepes, sausage quiche, yogurt and fruit, and a cinnamon bun. Absolutely delicious! These students are amazing.

We have implemented best practices in social distancing and other risk mitigation measures. The extraordinary cooperation and “can do” attitude demonstrated by our students, faculty, and staff is heartwarming. It has been my pleasure to work side-by-side with all of them.

The coronavirus outbreak has led to many disruptions in how we do business at Webb. In each case, we have developed alternative processes that, although perhaps not ideal, meet our objectives. For example, restrictions on travel meant that many of our prospective freshmen were unable to come to campus to spend the night in Stevenson Taylor Hall, attend classes in the Couch Academic Center, and be interviewed by the president and a faculty member. Admissions director Lauren Carballo has substituted a process involving online interviews and webinars with students. Our communications staff has developed an admission’s video introducing prospective students to Webb life. We are confident that we will recruit a full complement of twenty-eight highly qualified students for the Class of 2024.

I very much enjoyed the thirteen regional alumni events held around the country and in Europe during the months of January and February. Thank you all for your hospitality! The New York, Norfolk, Green Bay, and Denver events planned for March and April have been postponed until the fall.

Unfortunately, we are unable to host Homecoming on the Webb campus this year. The Webb Alumni Association is planning a virtual meeting for Saturday, May 16th. Please join us! For those classes celebrating reunions this year, we hope you will take the opportunity to get together online, as it is a good time to stay in touch with classmates and friends. Noting that Webbie’s have a proclivity to procrastinate, please consider celebrating your reunion in-person a year late at next year’s Homecoming. We look forward to seeing you!

For the students who went home, we will rebate room and board on a pro-rata basis. Although our endowment investments are well diversified, they have also been impacted by the stock market decline. I have been working closely with the Board of Trustees to ensure prudent and effective financial management during these challenging times. We are all committed to the long-term financial health and sustainability of Webb.

The alumni, parents, past-parents and other friends of Webb have been providing extraordinary and unprecedented financial support to the Institute. We ask members of the Webb family who are in a position to provide further financial assistance to consider doing so at this time. We are encouraging students and their parents to donate to Webb a portion of the room & board rebate. Other members of the Webb family may wish to consider supplementing your Annual Fund gift or contributing to our COVID-19 Fund, which will help offset lost revenues and increased expenses incurred as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

As a community, I have full confidence that we will collectively rise to meet the challenges we face in these uncertain times. I am continuously in awe of the commitment, determination, and resiliency demonstrated by the entire Webb family.

May you and your families be healthy and safe!

R. Keith Michel

President, Webb Institute