Senior Spotlight – Christopher Bal ’20

Hometown: Massapequa, NY

Thesis Title: A Technical Description and Comparison of Renaissance Period Venetian Ship Construction to Liberty Ship Construction

Post Graduate Plans: Work as a Naval Architect.

Do you have any advice for incoming students?
My biggest advice for incoming students would be to remember to have some fun while at Webb. Webb’s workload can seem overwhelming and stressful at times but it is important to take the time to enjoy time with your class. Your class is your family and you’ll regret not spending time with them.

What activities were you involved with at Webb?
While at Webb I was part of the keel boat sailing team and played on the Webb volleyball team. In addition, I took the time to participate in Webb’s Student Organization (SO) when I was treasurer and Marine Technology Society (MTS) chair.

Favorite Quote.
You can’t get so hung up on where you’d rather be, that you forget to make the most of where you are

What’s your favorite spot on campus and why?
My favorite spot on campus would be the yacht club. Some of my best memories were spent at the yacht club during yacht club socials or just relaxing with friends.

What will you miss the most about Webb?
More than anything else I will miss my class. We have grown so close as a family and it will be hard to not see them every day. COVID-19 made this extremely evident as we were rapidly separated without getting the chance to spend our last semester together.

The Class of 2020 Thesis Titles & Posters

In no specific order.

Concept Design and Economic Feasibility Study of a Modular
Underwater Apartment: A Case Study at Webb Institute

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Ian Cavanaugh and Duane Lee

Underwater structures have already been proven to be an innovative solution in the luxury hotel/restaurant industries. This thesis explores if an underwater apartment is a feasible alternative housing option to address housing shortages around the world, especially for areas with rising sea levels. The concept design of the apartment is created with economic feasibility in mind to attempt to make this alternative housing option as affordable as possible while providing all necessities that a normal land house provides. To make this project as practical as possible, Webb Institute is used as a sample case study. 

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Two Weeks of Sleepless Nights Turns Two Alumni’s 3D Card Maker into PPE Provider

Wombi Rose and John Wise from Lovepop. Photo courtesy of Lovepop.

With the cases of COVID-19 on the rise, two members from the Class of 2009, John Wise and Webb trustee, Wombi Rose, rose to the challenge and quickly switched their resources at Lovepop to produce much-needed PPE gear. Normally, Lovepop produces laser-cut 3-D greeting cards based on the ancient art form of kirigami.

“One of the things we learned at Webb was how to solve problems. When we heard about the shortage of PPE, we tried to turn it into a problem we could start to solve with the resources and capabilities available to us.” noted Wombi Rose ’09, president of Lovepop, “In the past few weeks, we’ve figured out how to pivot our supply chain to provide desperately-needed gowns and face shields to the front line.”

If you are an alumnus/alumna and would like to share your story on how you or your company are helping others through the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact Kerri Allegretta at ude.bbew@attergellak.

About Lovepop (from

Founded by best friends and naval architects, John Wise and Wombi Rose, Lovepop creates beautiful laser-cut pop-up cards designed on ship-building software and handcrafted in the ancient art form of kirigami.

Lovepop is on a mission to create one billion magical moments by making it easy to do something creative and meaningful for the people you love.

Since earning an investment from Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary on ABC’s “Shark Tank” in 2015, Lovepop has created hundreds of unique designs to help make every occasion magical – whether it’s a birthday, holiday, anniversary, or any milestone for someone you love. 

A Message to the Class of 2024

Congratulations on your acceptance to Webb Institute!
We are looking forward to officially welcoming you aboard in August!

To the Class of 2024,

We know that this spring has been challenging for many and far from what we have all considered to be normal. We, like many colleges across the United States, are monitoring the ongoing developments nationwide as we prepare and plan for this upcoming academic year.

Our current plan and hope is that your official welcome into the Webb Family will happen on campus on Move-In Day on August 18th. Over the past month, Webb has worked diligently during this spring semester to keep the 17 members of the student body and the staff who remain on campus safe from COVID-19 by implementing a variety of health and safety protocols. These and additional protocols, which focus on protecting the Webb community will be in place when we welcome you to campus. We are fortunate that Webb’s size and location allow more flexibility than most colleges; however, we will only open the campus to you and the rest of our student body if we believe we can do so in a safe manner. The cooperation of all employees and the entire student body in following the health and safety protocols will be crucial to allowing the campus to reopen.

We also recognize that welcoming the student body back to campus this August may not be possible based on government regulations and the conditions within New York State and the nation. We are contingency planning for this situation as well, working hard to ensure that Webb can provide you with the education that Webb is known for no matter the mode of delivery. Our contingency plan may include virtual classes and activities if needed for part or all of the fall semester. We will continue to monitor this situation and will make a final decision about the nature of the fall semester no later than June 15th. Rest assured; you will receive timely notifications of any changes to our fall semester plans. In addition, if there is a delay in coming to campus, revised charges and fees will be announced well in advance and, where appropriate, refunds will be provided

Our hope is that regardless of the format of the fall semester that you are excited to join us for this upcoming academic year. However, if you are considering taking a gap year because of the uncertain situation surrounding COVID-19, we understand. To apply, we require that you submit your request, reasoning for your request, and plans for the next year to ude.bbew@snoissimda by May 7, 2020. 

Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.” I continue to be in awe of the strength and generosity of the Webb Family that you will soon be a part of, especially when the seas are not so smooth. I know together we can weather this storm, and I look forward to seeing you all navigate a successful four-year journey at Webb!

Please know that as soon as the Class of 2024 is finalized, we will be sending you your Enrollment Packet. Your packet will include the information you need to prepare for the start of your Webb experience.

We look forward to welcoming you to Webb as a member of our family in a few short months!

Lauren Carballo
Director of Admissions and Student Affairs

Webb Cares

The well-being of Webb family members continues to be at the forefront of our efforts.

It has been Webb’s tradition that each spring Freshmen take part in Webb’s Phon-a-thon—reaching out to alumni, parents & grandparents of alumni, and friends who have generously supported the school. These phone calls are made in support of Webb’s Annual Fund, which provides the financial resources to support so many important programs and initiatives, including student support (scholarships, travel, research, training, thesis work, etc.), student activities (sports, clubs, art, etc.), technology acquisition, library acquisitions, faculty support, and much more. Phon-a-thon calls take place following solicitation mailings prepared by Webb’s Development Office and sent on behalf of the Alumni Fund Chairman (Jake Neuman ’93), Parent of Alumni Fund Chairman (Hal Granger, honorary alumnus, P’14), and President Michel ’73.

This spring we have once again sent letters requesting financial support for the school through the Annual Fund. While Webb needs the support of our benefactors more than ever, we understand that some have been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. For this reason, instead of asking Webb Freshmen to assist in Webb fundraising, we are asking student volunteers of all class years to join us in Webb Cares. 

As part of Webb Cares, Webbies will call members of the Webb family to make sure everyone is safe and sound. They will call the eldest members of our community first and hope to reach as many of Webbies as possible. They will share their recent experiences, including Winter Work and their transition to distance learning. 

I hope you welcome this opportunity to connect with Webb students.  Despite the geographic distance separating us, they are eager to help make the Webb family closer than ever.

Because Webb Cares.

Anthony R. Zic
Director of Development

Student workers from the Class of 2022 at last year’s Phonathon.