Senior Spotlight: Ryan Flanagan ’21

Hometown: The Woodlands, Texas

Thesis Title: The Design and Validation of the Equations of Motion for a Point Wave Energy Converter Buoy

Post Graduate Plans: Herbert Engineering – Naval Architect

What activities were you involved with at Webb?
The Dinghy Sailing team!

What’s your favorite spot on campus?
The Yacht club.

Do you have any advice for incoming students?
Take every opportunity you can to get out of the classroom.

What will you miss the most about Webb?
College sailing regattas.

Why did you choose Webb?
The tight-knit community.

Senior Spotlight: Sean Healy ’21

Hometown: Ledyard, CT

Thesis Title: The Viability of Compressed Natural Gas as Fuel: The Installation and Emissions Testing of a Dual-Fuel System for an Electronically-Timed High-Speed Diesel

Post Graduate Plans: Enjoy the summer and then work as a mechanical or marine engineer.

Do you have any advice for incoming students?
Two words: Fun Management. A wise senior told me this when I was a freshman, so I too will pass it down: No matter how much time you choose to spend on your coursework, there will always be more time to have fun. You have to make it happen for yourself… preferably a lot of it.

Who was your favorite mentor at Webb and why?
Professor Gallagher has an unimaginable wealth of engineering knowledge. He knows how to explain things effectively and always follows up with unanswered questions because he is genuinely curious to know. Like all the professors at Webb, Professor Gallagher genuinely wants us to succeed.

What’s your favorite spot on campus and why?
My favorite spot on campus is the student garage. While I appreciate the beautiful views other locations may offer, the student garage is where I go to relax and unwind. Sometimes I leave frustrated, other times jubilant, but there is never an experience there I have regretted.

What will you miss the most about Webb?
The thing I will miss most about Webb is the people. The people are what made me decide to go here and they are ultimately what has made me stay. Everyone at Webb is committed to each other’s success both academically and socially. I look forward to visiting!

Senior Spotlight: Alex Koziol ’21

Hometown: Wallingford, PA

Thesis Title: Metaheuristic Algorithms in Concept Design: Optimization of Marine Electrical Systems

Post Graduate Plans: Staff Naval Architect with Glosten in Providence and New York

Do you have any advice for incoming students?
Spend at least one winter work alone in a new city and make as many friends as you can. Then spend another with a house full of Webbies and enjoy all the free time. Join the dinghy sailing team, even if you don’t know how to sail. Learn to code in your free time so you can do a fun thesis with Professor Martin!

What’s your favorite spot on campus and why?
My favorite spot would have to be the top of the west-side fire escape with the view of the city skyline at night. My second favorite would be the reading room. Sometimes I forget that we live in a gold coast mansion.

What will you miss the most about Webb?
I’ll miss the people the most. I chose to come here mostly because of the small student body, the culture that comes with it, and the ethos of the Honor Code, and I wasn’t disappointed.

Favorite Quote.
Ellen: “Clark, Audrey is frozen from the waist down.”
Clark: “That’s all part of the experience, honey.”

What was your favorite Winter Work internship?
My favorite internship was with Navatek (now Martin Defense Group) in the better Portland (Maine). Portland is beautiful and really easy to get around without a car. The people there were very kind and I really value the friends I made there. There’s also have some excellent beer!

Senior Spotlight: Dillon Esposito-Kelley ’21

Hometown: Sayville, NY

Thesis Title: A Simulated Optimization and Feasibility of a Thermoacoustic Engine in the Marine Environment

Post Graduate Plans: Work at NASSCO.

What will you miss the most about Webb?
The classroom vibes.

Favorite Quote.
“I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower

What activities were you involved with at Webb?

What are you passionate about?
Rock climbing, reading, Doritos, and procrastinating.

What was your favorite class at Webb and why?
Statistics, it is an interesting topic that can be widely used and applied.

Senior Spotlight: Jackson Juska ’21

Hometown: Avalon, NJ

Thesis Title: A Seakeeping Study of the Gyroscopic Effect of a Wind Turbine Rotor on a Moored Tension Leg Platform

Post Graduate Plans:
I am launching on an 11-month Christian mission trip, The World Race, serving needs in Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia.

What have you learned from other students?
“The work always gets done” – no matter how much work you have, never sacrifice spending time with the ones you love. Never skip a beautiful sunset, never miss a good wakeboarding day, help someone out every chance you have, when Webb loses power do not do your homework, the list goes on. I can’t remember the pain of the all-nighters but I will never forget the fun times with others.

Why did you choose Webb?
I originally chose Webb because I love engineering and the water. I also thought there was no way I could pass up possibly one of the most unique four years I will ever have. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. And honestly, Webb never ceases to surprise me. My original reason for staying only lasted a few weeks into freshmen year. I’m still here because I love the people, I love and appreciate the opportunities, and in a weird way it’s pretty fun.

What’s your favorite spot on campus and why?
My favorite part of campus is in the water about 100 yards off the Webb beach and looking up at the mansion overlooking the water.

Favorite Quote.
I have a couple: “Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow!”, “Ben how do I find this number for the homework? Ben: Carefully…”, “it will be done in two weeks”, “It’s always push”, “We have a WOJO tomorrow”, “Welcome to Webb!”, and many others.