Livingston Library’s collection of resources is designed to support Webb Institute’s curriculum. Standard works on engineering, marine engineering, and naval architecture, professional periodicals, and a selection of rare materials in naval architecture and marine engineering form the basis of the collection. The Library subscribes to numerous research databases, including Compendex, Lexis-Nexis, and MTA Abstracts. A general collection of books and periodicals in the sciences and humanities, along with extensive interlibrary loan opportunities, rounds out the collection.
Webb Institute offers 24-hour access to the Library to its students and faculty. Members of the general public may use Webb’s Library during regular business hours by appointment only.
Contact Livingston Library
Patricia Prescott – Library Director
516-671-2213 EXT 1118 – ude.bbew@yrarbil
Livingston Library Policies
Policy Regarding Alumni/ae Use of the Livingston Library
Policy Regarding Donations to the Livingston Library, Art Collections, or Archives at Webb Institute
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About John Livingston '24

Through a generous donation by John Livingston and his wife, the Livingston Library was built.
John began his career as a draftsman with the Goldschmidt Corp. After advancing in position and responsibility, he was appointed president of the company in 1938. He carried added responsibilities of the presidency of Cerium Metals Corp. from 1941 to 1949.
John was very active in his field of endeavor, writing many papers and holding a number of patents in both the US and foreign countries. He was also very active in the affairs of SNAME, and the management of Webb. He was a founding member of the New York Metropolitan Sector of SNAME and was chairman in 1945; member of the Committee on Ways and Means, 1971-1972; member of the Budget and Endowments Committee, 1973-1975; chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, 1972-85, continuing as an ex-officio member until his death; member of the Executive Committee, 1972-85, and Council, 1972 to his death. In 1976, he John was elected an Honorary Member for Life, a Vice President 1981-82, and an Honorary Vice President for Life in 1982.
He was also recipient of Webb Alumni’s William Selkirk Owen Award 1970 and chairman emeritus of the Board of Trustees of Webb at the time of his death in 1988.