Why Give to the Webb Parent Annual Fund?
- Your child is the direct beneficiary of your support!
- Your support enhances the quality and depth of the education that your child receives and helps enrich Webb’s social experience.
- Webb is the only private engineering college in the United States providing every student with a full-tuition scholarship.
- The cost to educate each Webbie is approximately $80,000 per year.
- The commitment you make will have a direct impact on Webb’s present and future well-being. Through the generosity of parents, alumni, and friends, the Annual Fund now provides for an incredible 35% of Webb’s operating costs!
- Parents’ strong commitment encourages alumni, corporations and foundations to invest in Webb.
How Can I Help?
Thank you for considering a gift to Webb Institute. Your contribution will provide the college with vital resources and ensure Webb’s financial security, providing current and future generations of Webb students an exceptional engineering education with a full-tuition scholarship.
You may contribute by credit card, check, or arrange for automatic monthly payments. Please visit our Ways To Give page for more information.
- Contribute Online by Credit Card
- Contribute by Check
- Contribute with Automatic Payments
- Contribute with Publicly Traded Stocks and Securities
For other types of contribution options, including Planned Giving, please contact Webb’s Development Office at (516) 759-2040 or send an email to ude.bbew@tnempoleved
2021-2022 Parent Fund Volunteer Committee
Paul and Jeanine Becker, P’21, P’22 (Co-Chairs)
Robin and Eryn Donaldson, P’24 (Co-Chairs)
Jeff and Peggy Basti, P’25
Tom and Lori Doerr, P’24
Chris and Maricar Harris, P’19, P’22
Tom and Barbara Kennedy, P’23
Dennis and Maria Kiely, P’22
Kirk and Linda Lehman P’22
Matt and Jenna Motyka, P’25
Geoff Uttmark, P’23