Support Webb Students on our 11th Annual Giving Day!

What is Webb Giving Day?

Each year during the month of May, Webb pauses to reflect and give thanks for the love and support received from the Webb Community.  Webb Giving Day is a celebration of our benefactors who emulate the giving spirit of our founder, William H. Webb. This special day provides a unique opportunity for students to acknowledge and thank the Webb Family for their past, present, and future financial support of Webb’s Annual Fund.

We invite alumni, trustees, parents and grandparents of current Webb students, parents and grandparents of Webb alumni, and our wonderful network of friends to join us.  The 11th Annual Webb Giving Day is highlighted by a short video on Friday, May 17.

How can I help promote Webb Giving Day?

Share, “like,” and post about Webb Giving Day through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and X using #WebbGivingDay. Help spread the news and support Webb students!

How can I make a gift?

If you have not yet had the opportunity to participate, please make your 2023-24 Annual Fund gift today by mailing a check to Webb, make a gift online through our website or by calling Webb’s Development Team at 516-759-2040.

“I first learned about Webb while researching small engineering schools. After my overnight visit to the school, I realized the amazing opportunities Webb provides in terms of Winter Work and its exceptional academic curriculum. At that point, I knew Webb Institute was the right school for me! 

I came from a small high school and did not want to go to a college surrounded by thousands of unfamiliar faces. Webb is a place where I can get a specialized education and be in an environment where I can thrive. But what really stands out is the support and encouragement offered by everyone. No matter where you come from, or what beliefs you have, everyone at Webb is respectful and is eager to help and listen.

Your gifts to the Annual Fund help provide full-tuition scholarships for every Webbie! I hope to emulate your example of giving back, so that future students have the same opportunities you have afforded me.”

“My first year at Webb was incredible! I loved the hands-on learning approach and the opportunity to immediately immerse myself in core subject areas. I also enjoyed the many activities offered at Webb. I would never have thought it possible for me to learn to sail and to be a part of a basketball team in college!

I was fortunate to spend the 2023 fall semester overseas with three of my classmates as exchange students at the University of Southampton. Our apartment had people of five different nationalities, all exchange students. I was able to learn and experience so much about the world in such a short period of time. I took advantage of traveling during off-time and in all visited 10 different countries! I made great friendships and many connections that I know will help me in the future. 

Thank you again for your support of Webb and its students. I believe in paying it forward, and my goal is to one day help future students by making my gift on Webb’s Giving Day!”

“I was introduced to Webb through friends in the sailing community. After researching the school, I was thoroughly impressed with its history and reputation. I feel fortunate to have been accepted! Sailing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and I continue to pursue this passion at Webb. Last year, as a member of the Big Boat Sailing Team, we competed in the Block Island Regatta placing second in our division. We hope to take first this year!

My internships at Webb have been amazing! Sea Term was spent aboard a Chevron lightering tanker operating out of San Francisco Bay, splitting my time between the deck crew and engine room. Over the summer, I landed an internship at Aurora Marine Design in San Diego. I worked on all the 3D modelling, 2D plans, electrical one-line diagrams, and EPLAs for the pilothouse of an 85’ fully electric passenger ferry!

The Webb Community is like no other! Thank you for your support of my education on Webb’s Giving Day. I truly appreciate your generosity and hope to one day, provide the same gift to future Webb students.”