This document provides information regarding Webb’s Pre-Arrival Protocols as well as the protocols for the start of the Fall 2022 semester. Note that for the 2022-23 Academic Year, all Webb students are required to be vaccinated. Furthermore, all Webb students who have not had COVID-19 within the 90 days prior to Move-In will be required to take a COVID-19 test and receive a negative result. Webb may retest students within a week of their arrival to campus and will test as situations require.
This document will provide further information regarding Webb’s Pre-Arrival Protocols as well as the protocols during the time period between your designated Move–In Date and August 26, at which time all Webb students will have been tested on campus for COVID-19. At that point, depending on the results of the COVID-19 tests, Webb will provide updated protocols.
The following reopening plan incorporates NY State Guidelines and our own ideas for promoting a healthy and safe environment. We look forward to welcoming Webb students back to campus for the fall semester!
President Michel
Webb’s Plans for the Fall
The start of the Fall semester at Webb is rapidly approaching. After extensive deliberations and planning, I am pleased to announce that on-campus classes will begin Monday, August 24th. Students involved in leadership week will be welcome to campus on Tuesday, August 18th, Orientation Leaders on Wednesday, August 19th, and freshmen on Thursday, August 20th. All other students will be welcome to campus on Sunday, August 23rd. These arrival dates are contingent upon the ever-evolving guidance promulgated by public health agencies and the State of New York. Although the COVID-19 infection rate in NY State has been dramatically reduced over the last month, there remains uncertainty going forward. We will keep you updated as the situation evolves.
The overwhelming majority of students, faculty, and staff have expressed a desire to return to campus in the fall. Webb’s approach to education – which incorporates experiential learning through team projects, laboratory coursework, design projects, and thesis study — is best accomplished in the collaborative environment afforded by the Webb campus. Therefore, as we have done for the past 130 years, we are requiring that all students be resident on campus. Any students with enhanced vulnerability to COVID-19 can apply for on-campus accommodations consistent with their special circumstances. Alternatively, these students may apply for a gap year. Should higher risk students apply for a gap year, we will extend our full-tuition scholarship to the fifth year.
We are excited about this opportunity to bring our Webb students, faculty, and staff back together again, and to welcome the class of 2024 to the Webb campus. The health and safety of our students and employees will be our highest priority during these times. This will take a cooperative effort of all concerned. Each member of the Webb community – students, faculty, and staff – will be expected to sign a Responsible Care Commitment agreement of understanding, acknowledging the role that each of us plays in maintaining a healthy environment during these challenging times.
The process of developing a plan for campus operations, informed by NY State and CDC policies and guidance, is well underway. Our intention is to disseminate the draft plan to the Webb community soon. We will host informational seminars to describe the plan and provide you with the opportunity to ask questions and provide input to the plan. The plan will be subject to change as more knowledge about the spread, testing, and treatment of COVID-19 becomes available to us. Some of the key provisions of the plan are described below.
Fostering a Healthy and Safe Environment
A multi-faceted plan to mitigate the risk of infection on campus will be implemented, including daily symptom screening, social distancing, wearing of face coverings, frequent washing of hands, minimizing off-campus travel, restrictions on visitors, avoidance of large gatherings, and mandatory public health education. Public spaces throughout campus will be subject to frequent cleaning. To mitigate the risk of infections spreading on campus, provisions will be made for testing, contact tracing, and quarantining of students should the need arise.
Before arriving on campus, all students are expected to self-quarantine for a period of 14 days. Students living in or having recently visited COVID-19 hot-spots will be required to take a coronavirus test within three days of traveling to campus.
Each student will be provided with a packet of washable masks and a packet of disposable masks upon arriving at Webb, although all students and staff are encouraged to bring their own masks as well.
Our Academic Year
As usual, the fall semester will run into December. We are assessing different options regarding the Thanksgiving break. These include sending all students home prior to Thanksgiving and allowing students to take finals at home or shortening the Thanksgiving break to Thursday and Friday and encouraging students to stay on campus. In the latter case, the semester will end a few days earlier than currently scheduled.
Our preference is to maintain winter internships during the months of January and February. However, if we are unable to secure internships or have concerns about student safety during these winter months, the internship program will be postponed until the summer of 2021. In that case, the spring semester will likely begin a month earlier, at the beginning of February, allowing more time for the summer internships.
Our Academic Program
Classes will be held in the Couch Academic Center work studios, which have adequate room to allow for social distancing (at least six feet between students in all directions). Remote learning will be available for situations where students must remain in their dorm rooms due to illness or other concerns. Most lectures will be provided in-person by the professor, although professors with high-risk vulnerabilities will be encouraged to teach remotely.
Student Life
The conversion of the Stevenson Taylor Hall (STH) classrooms-to-dormitory project is behind schedule as NY State halted construction projects during the height of the pandemic. If the project is not completed by August 24th, students will be housed in our current dormitory spaces: STH, Motley Hall, and the Robinson Tank Building. Once the conversion is complete, students in the Robinson Tank Building will be transferred to the new dormitories in STH so that the rooms in Robinson are available for quarantine use. Until that time, the Luckenbach Graduate Center will be outfitted to serve as our quarantine facility.
Students and staff will be required to wear face coverings while in public spaces within buildings and elsewhere where social distancing cannot be assured. Face coverings are not required in dorm rooms when solely occupied by roommates, as NY State guidance treats roommates as a “family unit”. Face coverings will initially be required within the work studios but after the first two weeks on campus, it is expected that this requirement will be relaxed once a student is sitting at his or her socially-distanced desk.
All meals will be served by culinary staff in lieu of self-serve, buffet-style service. Seating will be arranged with a minimum of six feet spacing. Outdoor dining with proper social distancing will be encouraged.
All intercollegiate sports have been canceled for the fall semester. Non-contact intramural sports and other on-campus extra-curricular activities that allow for social distancing will be encouraged. We will be procuring additional on-campus workout equipment as the YMCA will not be available for student use during the fall semester.
We are in this together!
This year will be different. That is for sure. For the Webb community to flourish, each one of us will need to make some personal sacrifices. We should be prepared to be flexible and adaptive, as the world changes around us.
We have much to be proud of. The seventeen students and five staff members that remained on campus with me during the spring semester demonstrated a commitment and resolve that was quite special. Those who studied at home faced an even greater challenge – to focus on Webb’s challenging curriculum while being away from fellow students and confronted with various distractions. I am so pleased that in the spring semester, every Webb student passed every course. Congratulations!
Please join with me in making this semester a healthy and enjoyable one. Should you have questions or suggestions regarding our reopening plan, please do not hesitate to contact me.
President Keith Michel
It’s April 18th – approximately a month since we switched over to distance learning and asked our students to travel home. Since that time, we have seen the coronavirus spread across the country and around the world. The New York area has been a hot spot for weeks although there is hope that the number of new cases and deaths are peaking. Glen Cove’s infection rates are especially high, with approximately 2% of the population being diagnosed with the virus. We have been diligent about keeping to ourselves and minimizing contact with the outside world.
The seventeen students and six staff members that remain on campus are healthy and doing well. To the best of our knowledge, those students working at home are also free of the virus. It’s so important that we maintain our commitment to safe distancing and use our good judgment in how we interface with others. Our student survey indicates that a large majority of you are adjusting to online learning and putting in the effort required to stay up with your studies. Keep up the good work!
We previously announced that distance learning will be implemented until further notice, as we assess the everchanging situations surrounding COVID-19. We have now determined that distance learning will continue at least through the end of this semester, while we remain hopeful that students will be able to return to Webb for the fall semester. The decision on when we can reopen campus will depend on many factors including the level of new infections, the availability of transportation, and the availability of Covid-19 testing. We will provide you with as much advance notice as possible.
The pro rata rebates for room and board will be sent out in early June. We will email you within the next two weeks, indicating the amount of rebate. Thanks to those parents and students who have already pledged all or part of your rebate as a gift to Webb.
The in-person graduation event scheduled for June 20th has been cancelled. Rather, we are planning a virtual commencement ceremony for the same day. A team of students and staff members are working on the program. We have fifteen seniors on campus at this time, who will be able to attend in-person. Unfortunately, parents and friends as well as faculty and staff will not be permitted on campus. We will be livestreaming our commencement exercises and hope you will all join in the festivities.
We have cancelled our summer SEA Program, which introduces young people to the disciplines of naval architecture and marine engineering. We do this with regret as it’s is a great program that sold out quickly. We look forward to resuming the program next summer.
The entire Webb family continues to demonstrate extraordinary resiliency and an uplifting community spirit. Thanks for all you do for Webb!
Keith Michel
Message to the Webb Family
On March 2nd, students returned from their winter work internships bristling with energy and enthusiasm, as they took their first classes in the spectacular new Couch Academic Center. Two weeks later, students were asked to return home and we began online instruction. As I write this letter, New York is emerging as the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic with NYC and Long Island accounting for over 5% of worldwide cases. Yes, these are truly challenging and uncertain times. Those of us at Webb are most appreciative of the emails of support we have received from so many of you, asking how we are doing and seeking ways to assist us. This letter describes some of the actions we have taken over the last month as we continue to fulfill our mission of providing Webb students with the best possible education while safeguarding the health and safety of the Webb community.
Our dormitories remain open for students who need to be here. While we encouraged students to go home and take classes remotely, we permitted students to stay on campus if the student and his/her parents felt that was the safer option. Examples include students unable to go home, those with family members who are first responders (e.g. doctors and nurses), and those with family members in higher-risk categories (e.g. with compromised immune systems or underlying illnesses). A total of seventeen students are now living on campus, housed in Motley Hall in single rooms.
All courses were moved online as of March 16th, with Dean Werner and all faculty members providing instruction from home. We quickly purchased necessary information technology equipment, both hardware and software, and the Dean provided training for those faculty members without experience in distance learning. Although we have faced a few challenges due to slower internet/WiFi transmission rates at some homes, the early feedback is that remote learning is working well. Professors are working closely with students that had thesis projects utilizing campus-based test facilities, finding alternatives that accomplish the educational goal while allowing for completion by the end of the semester
By March 16th, those Webb staff members that can effectively work at home were asked to do so. On March 22nd, when New York Governor Cuomo issued a directive requiring 100% of non-essential personnel to work from home, we made a few additional reductions in onsite staff. Today, we are operating with eight staff working on campus, six of whom are living on campus. These staff members are responsible for keeping the campus functioning including student oversight, accounting, infrastructure maintenance, and providing meals to students.
This lean staff places a considerable burden on those remaining on campus. For example, “Chef Rob” is the only culinary staff member left on campus. He is doing yeoman’s work, ordering all provisions and cooking breakfast, lunch, and dinner on all weekdays. Students and staff are washing dishes to alleviate some of his workload. On weekends, Chef Rob provides the food and the students cook and clean up themselves. I am writing this letter on Sunday afternoon, having just enjoyed a student prepared brunch consisting of banana crepes, sausage quiche, yogurt and fruit, and a cinnamon bun. Absolutely delicious! These students are amazing.
We have implemented best practices in social distancing and other risk mitigation measures. The extraordinary cooperation and “can do” attitude demonstrated by our students, faculty, and staff is heartwarming. It has been my pleasure to work side-by-side with all of them.
The coronavirus outbreak has led to many disruptions in how we do business at Webb. In each case, we have developed alternative processes that, although perhaps not ideal, meet our objectives. For example, restrictions on travel meant that many of our prospective freshmen were unable to come to campus to spend the night in Stevenson Taylor Hall, attend classes in the Couch Academic Center, and be interviewed by the president and a faculty member. Admissions director Lauren Carballo has substituted a process involving online interviews and webinars with students. Our communications staff has developed an admission’s video introducing prospective students to Webb life. We are confident that we will recruit a full complement of twenty-eight highly qualified students for the Class of 2024.
I very much enjoyed the thirteen regional alumni events held around the country and in Europe during the months of January and February. Thank you all for your hospitality! The New York, Norfolk, Green Bay, and Denver events planned for March and April have been postponed until the fall.
Unfortunately, we are unable to host Homecoming on the Webb campus this year. The Webb Alumni Association is planning a virtual meeting for Saturday, May 16th. Please join us! For those classes celebrating reunions this year, we hope you will take the opportunity to get together online, as it is a good time to stay in touch with classmates and friends. Noting that Webbie’s have a proclivity to procrastinate, please consider celebrating your reunion in-person a year late at next year’s Homecoming. We look forward to seeing you!
For the students who went home, we will rebate room and board on a pro-rata basis. Although our endowment investments are well diversified, they have also been impacted by the stock market decline. I have been working closely with the Board of Trustees to ensure prudent and effective financial management during these challenging times. We are all committed to the long-term financial health and sustainability of Webb.
The alumni, parents, past-parents and other friends of Webb have been providing extraordinary and unprecedented financial support to the Institute. We ask members of the Webb family who are in a position to provide further financial assistance to consider doing so at this time. We are encouraging students and their parents to donate to Webb a portion of the room & board rebate. Other members of the Webb family may wish to consider supplementing your Annual Fund gift or contributing to our COVID-19 Fund, which will help offset lost revenues and increased expenses incurred as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
As a community, I have full confidence that we will collectively rise to meet the challenges we face in these uncertain times. I am continuously in awe of the commitment, determination, and resiliency demonstrated by the entire Webb family.
May you and your families be healthy and safe!
R. Keith Michel
President, Webb Institute
Message Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak
Due to recent events as explained below, we now request students without a specific need to remain on campus to return home, preferably by Sunday, March 22. However, if this is not practical or there are concerns about the safety of travel within this timeframe, please contact Lauren Carballo or Marissa Alperin with your request for an extension.
Students who are unable to return home, students that can demonstrate that they are better off staying at Webb, and students currently working on thesis using on-campus testing facilities will be permitted to remain on campus. Residency and food will be provided for this limited group.
To minimize the potential for exposure of our students, we are reducing staff to the minimum level that maintains safety and care on campus. We are also terminating construction on campus and restricting outside visitors until students that plan to go home have left campus. We do have a core group of employees, four of whom live on campus, who have promised to abide by our strict social distancing policies. I am confident that we can maintain the needed oversight and support for the limited number of students who may remain on campus through the coming months.
We all empathize with our seniors who will be graduating this June and will not be able to spend their final months on campus. Should the college not reopen by graduation day, we will find a way to celebrate your accomplishments with you and your families.
Webb Institute continues to monitor the situation surrounding the outbreak of coronavirus disease. We currently know of no Webb campus members who have been infected with the coronavirus. However, three staff members felt ill and developed a cough. Another staff member has a close friend who was exposed to the virus. These staff members are all working from home. However, the number of staff members we had to send home raises concerns about our ability to maintain adequate support over the coming months, if all students remained on campus. This is part of the reason we decided to send students home. We also concerned about the continued increase in coronavirus cases on Long Island, and the ability of the local medical infrastructure to keep pace with demand.
President Keith Michel
President’s Message Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak:
Webb Institute continues to monitor the situation surrounding the outbreak of coronavirus disease. As of March 13th, there are 325 confirmed cases in New York including 41 in Nassau County. We currently know of no Webb campus members who have been infected with the coronavirus, are showing symptoms, or are at risk due to potential contact with infected individuals.
We have decided to switch to online classes beginning March 16th. Webb will remain open. However, moving to online classes gives students and faculty the option to work from home. Specific steps taken since our prior correspondence include:
- All courses at Webb will be taught online beginning Monday, March 16th. Online classes will continue until further notice.
- Students may remain on campus. Students remaining on campus may take classes from their lecture hall or from their dorm rooms. Food service will be provided.
- At their option, students may return home and take classes online from their homes. Should a student decide to go home, he or she may not return to Webb until in-person classes resume.
- If the Administration determines that online classes will continue following Spring Break, students will be permitted to stay at Webb during Spring Break. Food service will be provided. Should students decide to return home or travel during Spring Break, they will not be permitted to return to campus until in-person classes resume.
- For students remaining on campus, off campus travel should be limited to essential needs only (e.g. doctor’s visits).
- Students should not attend off-campus events with high density populations (i.e., sporting events, concerts), utilize mass transportation, or use restaurants and other venues where contact with coronavirus is more likely to occur. Students who do so will not be permitted back on campus until in-person classes resume.
- Non-essential visitors or guests are not permitted on campus until further notice.
- There will be no Webb-sanctioned off-campus events until further notice. All intercollegiate and off-campus sporting events are cancelled for the semester.
- Webb has a contingency plan for on-campus quarantine and also has medical supplies to reduce the potential transmission of the coronavirus.
- Webb will continue to be in contact with our local and state health departments and acting in accordance with their guidance.
President Keith Michel
President’s Message Regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak
Webb Institute is monitoring the situation surrounding the outbreak of coronavirus disease. As of March 8th, there are 105 confirmed cases in New York including five in Nassau County. These numbers will increase. We currently know of no Webb campus members who have been infected with the coronavirus or are specifically at risk due to potential contact with infected individuals. We are in regular contact with the NY State Department of Health and the Nassau County Department of Health, we have conferred with Webb’s local doctor and the hospital in Glen Cove to ensure that they are prepared to assist Webb.
During winter work, a few of our students made shortstops in the airports of countries that are currently at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Warning Level 3 status. These students have not developed coronavirus symptoms. We have cleared their status with the NY State Department of Health.
Important information related to the coronavirus and steps being taken at Webb to mitigate any impact on the Webb community include:
Symptoms of coronavirus:
The following symptoms may appear in 2 to 14 days after exposure:
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
Refer to the CDC website for further information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
What should you do if you display symptoms of the coronavirus disease:
We ask students who are experiencing symptoms consistent with coronavirus, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, to call Webb’s on-call phone (516.776.7278) or Lauren Carballo, Director of Admissions and Student Affairs. They will assist you in getting the appropriate medical support. If you are ill, please do not attend class. Faculty will provide support for students who are unable to attend class due to illness. We will also provide assistance in obtaining meals if needed.
What can you do to avoid exposure to the coronavirus disease:
There is currently no vaccine to prevent coronavirus disease. CDC recommends the following preventative actions, which can help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus and other respiratory viruses. For further information, refer to the CDC website at: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home or remain in your dorm room and call the on-call phone if you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
What is Webb doing to help mitigate the potential impact of the coronavirus:
- The staff has increased cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces such as restrooms and dining areas.
- We are placing sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizing stations in the public areas around campus.
- We have set aside guest rooms to be used quarantining students if needed.
- We are canceling all offsite events through the end of March. By mid-March, we will decide if events will be canceled through April.
- All members of the Webb campus community are encouraged to avoid offsite non-essential travel.
- We ask all students, faculty, and staff to report to Lana Miller, Director of Human Resources, any intended international travel. Countries with CDC Warning Level 3 should be avoided. Any member of the Webb community that travels to countries with Warning Level 3 will be requested to stay away from campus and self-quarantine for a period of two weeks.
- We are developing contingency plans should we have an active outbreak of coronavirus in the region. This includes the possibility of sending faculty and/or students home and conducting classes online or through other means.
I will keep you updated regarding the coronavirus and steps being taken on the Webb campus. Should you have any questions related to Webb’s response to the coronavirus, please do not hesitate to contact me or Lauren Carballo, our Director of Admissions and Student Affairs (ude.bbew@ollabracl).
President Keith Michel ’73