ANNOUNCING: Natural Propulsion in Ship Design Conference on November 16, 2021

Hosted by: Webb Institute, Marin Institute, and Wind Support NYC

NEW YORK, NEW YORK – A new conference on the use of natural propulsion in the global shipping industry will take place in New York state on November 16, 2021. The conference is being hosted by Webb Institute in Glen Cove, NY, and will be broadcasted live.

The conference will introduce to the audience the design of hybrid merchant ships capable of harnessing free and renewable energies available onboard – wind, solar and hydro – to improve vessel efficiency, independent of the fuel or type of engine used.

The conference could not be more timely. In the United States, 80% of goods are imported aboard oceangoing vessels and maritime vessel emissions account for three percent of worldwide emissions.

As various regulatory bodies and the Paris Accord impose stricter emissions regimes on global shipping, it is important to determine how to meet targets when sustainable green fuels will not be available for another 10-20 years.

Vessel efficiency needs to be improved, carbon intensity (CII) reduced to remain in compliance with upcoming IMO regulations and one method is clear: near-zero emission shipping is possible today using wind propulsion.

In the morning, Marin Institute will deliver an overview of the context of decarbonisation of the shipping sector, as well as an academic course introducing aerodynamics, hydrodynamics concepts, and sailing performance assessment to both students and external guests.

Dr. Sergio Perez, PhD, professor of marine engineering at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, will set the stage for the afternoon: he will present an update of a 1975 MARAD (U.S. Maritime Administration) report which concluded that commercial ships using sail power were not economically viable when compared with engine-powered vessels.

The 2021 update concludes that it is economically smart to use sail at this point as a principal means of propulsion, with one issue to be resolved: the size of the vessel and especially the height of the mast.

Directly answering Dr. Sergio Perez questions, industry leaders will present the technologies currently available and capable to address the issues raised by Dr. Perez in his 2021 update.

The conference will conclude with case studies, i.e. real life examples of merchant ships powered by the wind.

“The maritime industry has been a driving force around the world throughout history, facilitating today’s global community through technological developments, international commerce, and communication. Today, we also recognize the impact of our industry on climate change and the responsibility we have to help lead the efforts to reduce the effects of emissions on our world. Society expects us to do this, and there’s no better way to accomplish this goal than to raise awareness of the problem and potential solutions with the next generation of our industry’s leaders. Webb Institute is proud to work with our partners on this conference and inspire the developments that will shape the future of the maritime industry,” said Bradley Golden, professor of naval architecture and marine engineering at Webb Institute.

“Operating as an independent foundation since 1932 to inspire the maritime sector with innovation, MARIN has set-up 10 years ago an event to promote and share knowledge on zero emission shipping and alternative power use: the BlueWeek. Such an event, organised yearly in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, has seen in the last decade a huge development of wind power techniques. We are today extremely glad to present natural propulsion technologies to students at Webb and in the US. Through this, we hope to inspire future naval architects to create and build the sustainable ships of tomorrow” said Guilhem Gaillarde, head of SHIPS department at the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands.

“Near zero emission shipping is already underway, with a significant increase in sail-powered tonnage on the verge of coming online in 2023/2024. Three projects – Neoline, TOWT, and SailCargo – are advancing toward the ability to ship using natural propulsion at scale. These new fleets, currently in development, will boost the transition to zero-emission shipping. U.S. exporters/importers can commit today for near-zero emissions shipping in 2024,” said Laurent Corbel, CEO of Wind Support NYC.

Registration will remain open until November 15, 2021.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Guilhem Gaillarde, head of SHIPS at Marin Institute
  • Rogier Eggers, Senior Project Manager at Marin Institute
  • Roger Strevens, VP Global Sustainability at Wallenius Wilhelmsen
  • Dr Sergio Perez, PhD, professor at the US Merchant Marine Academy
  • Jean Zanuttini, CEO of Neoline
  • Gerard Dykstra, Founder of Dykstra Naval Architects

For more information: cyn.troppusdniw@lebrocl

Wind Support NYC, headquartered in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, promotes and supports projects using wind propulsion to accelerate the availability of low carbon maritime shipping.

Andréj Klema Announced as a Recipient of the Prestigious Cooke College Scholarship Program

LANSDOWNE, VA – The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation has named Andréj Klema of Ellicott City, MD, among 43 current Cooke Young Scholars who are continuing to receive the organization’s comprehensive educational advising and financial support as Cooke College Scholars this fall. Through the Cooke College Scholarship Program, the Foundation provides Scholars with up to $55,000 per year for up to four years to complete a bachelor’s degree. Cooke Scholars also have access to opportunities for internships, study abroad, and a thriving community of motivated peers.

Andréj Klema is currently a first-year student at Webb Institute, where he is working towards earning his dual bachelor of science degree in naval architecture and marine engineering. In addition to his studies, Andréj is his class president, and a member of the Anchor Club (Webb’s Christian Community), Offshore Sailing, and Soccer teams.

“Webb is everything I wanted from college and more so,” Andréj comments, “Webb’s size makes the community much more like a family than what I had in high school. In addition, I enjoy how we all know what we are studying. No one is undecided on what their major is. People at Webb are here for the right reasons. We know that the primary point of college is education. Everything else is necessary, but secondary. I strongly encourage any aspiring engineer who is looking for a close, tightly knit community in college to look into Webb, even if you are not dead set on marine engineering at this point. The advantages of a small, self-governed student body are something that you really have to be here to experience.”

For winter work term, Webb’s internship program that takes place during January and February every year, Andréj is planning on working at General Dynamics Electric Boat where he is hoping to learn the real-life skills that will help prepare him for a career as an Engineering Officer in the U.S. Navy or U.S. Coast Guard. Andréj believes that “this career  fits me well and helps me live William Webb’s legacy of service back to the community.”

Andréj and the other Cooke Young Scholars, each entered the Cooke Young Scholars Program during their 8th grade year. Together, they have attended summer programs on college campuses and participated in enrichment programs in cities such as Athens, Greece, and Washington, DC.

Each Cooke Young Scholar and their family also work one-on-one with an educational adviser to create an individualized learning plan and maximize their high school experience. Members of this cohort have founded and led organizations, won regional and national academic competitions, published their works, been chosen as captains of teams, and conducted research at the collegiate level.

“It’s been an honor to support these Scholars in their journey to academic success–especially after such a year of unprecedented change and challenges,” said Executive Director Seppy Basili. “We are excited to see the achievements of such bright students unfold as they complete college and move into meaningful careers.” 

The Cooke Young Scholars Program serves as a pathway to the Foundation’s prestigious College Scholarship; that application is also open to high school seniors each fall.

The names of the Cooke College Scholars from the Young Scholars Program can be found here, listed along with the states and high schools they represent.

About the Jack Cooke Foundation

The Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is dedicated to advancing the education of exceptionally promising students who have financial need. Since 2000, the Foundation has awarded over $230 million in scholarships to more than 2,930 students from 8th grade through graduate school, along with comprehensive educational advising and other support services. The Foundation has also provided $119.5 million in grants to organizations that serve such students.

For more information, please contact:

Julia Nelson at 571-799-8067 or gro.fckj@aidem

Webb is Recognized as One of the 19 Colleges to Partner with Strive for College to Help Underrepresented Minorities Secure a First Job with the Nation’s Leading Employers

From PRNewswire

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Strive for College today announced a new collaboration with nineteen colleges and nine leading employers to create career opportunities for millions of low-income students as they enter an unprecedented labor market. The partnerships grant students access to a virtual mentoring platform that pairs students from low-income backgrounds with working adult mentors who can help them identify career opportunities and gain the sorts of workplace-ready skills that employers need.

“Strive for College allows our students to virtually explore careers and expand their professional networks, far ahead of graduation day,” said Sarah Scott, Associate Dean and Director of the Grissom Scholars Program at Centre College. “By connecting students with trained mentors and working adults at leading employers, we are expanding their career options.”

Participating universities include: Bates College, Case Western Reserve University, Centre College, Coastal Carolina University, Concordia University Texas, Framingham State University, Huston-Tillotson University, Indiana University Bloomington, Louisiana College, Monroe College, Old Dominion University, Sacramento State, Spokane Falls Community College, St. Olaf College, St. Edwards University, Stanford University, Texas State University, Walsh University, and Webb Institute.

Participating employer partners include: Alight Solutions, American Express, Amgen, Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts, Clearsulting, Deloitte, Palo Alto Networks, UBS, and UPS.

“Our participation in Strive On will help the next generation of diverse innovators access meaningful pathways to a college education,” said Eduardo Cetlin, President of Amgen Foundation. “At the same time, we know that employees are eager to give back to underserved communities, and this virtual program allows them to do so in an impactful way, no matter where in the country they are working from.” 

In the wake of the pandemic-induced recession, college graduates are facing a tight labor market. Nearly half of spring 2020 college graduates are still looking for work. And although overall unemployment numbers are down from March 2020, youth unemployment has remained at nearly double the national average. Employers like Amgen, Deloitte, and UBS are taking steps to attract early talent through partnerships with Strive, while encouraging employees to help diverse students expand their networks.

“Strive for College is giving students access to great jobs and the supportive network needed to achieve economic mobility,” said Michael J. Carter, CEO of Strive for College. “Through the power of technology, we are connecting the nation’s leading employers with diverse students at some of our country’s foremost universities.”

Strive for College helps students gain the skills–and connections–they need to succeed after they graduate. The platform, which includes one-to-one virtual mentoring, has reached over 1.2 million students total. In the midst of the pandemic, Strive has seen a massive increase in demand: in May 2020, 19 times more students picked a mentor than in May 2019 and user engagement has increased 600% since the pandemic started in March 2020.

About Strive for College

Strive for College has helped over 1.2 million students get to college, graduate, and achieve living wage jobs. Our all-virtual platform, UStrive, matches students with trained volunteer mentors and allows them to securely communicate, collaborate, access resources and share guidance as they navigate the path to and through higher education. 97% of Strive students go on to college and take on little or no debt for tuition as a result of scholarships or financial aid that their mentors help them secure. For more information, visit:

Webb Institute Featured in The Princeton Review’s “Best 387 Colleges” Guide for 2022

Webb Institute is one of the nation’s best institutions for undergraduates according to The Princeton Review. The education services company profiles and recommends Webb Institute in the 2022 edition of its annual college guide, The Best 387 Colleges (Penguin Random House, August 31, 2021, $24.99).

Only about 14% of America’s 2,700 four-year colleges are profiled in the book, which is one of The Princeton Review’s most popular publications. The company chooses the colleges for the book based on data it annually collects from administrators at hundreds of colleges about their institutions’ academic offerings. The Princeton Review also considers data it gathers from its surveys of college students at the colleges who rate and report on various aspects of their campus and community experiences.   

“We salute Webb Institute for its outstanding academics and we are genuinely pleased to recommend it to prospective applicants searching for their ‘best-fit’ college,” said Rob Franek, The Princeton Review’s Editor-in-Chief and lead author of The Best 387 Colleges.  

In the profile on Webb, The Princeton Review editors praise the student body for “all one hundred students at Webb Institute are driven by two loves: engineering and ships.” Quotes from Webb students the company surveyed for the book include these comments: “invested professors seek to support students both academically and personally”, warm relations with alumni results in donations and job opportunities for Webb”, and “At Webb, you are one percent of the school, which means everyone goes through so much together and it follows that everyone is very independent and trustworthy.”

The Princeton Review does not rank the colleges in the book from 1 to 387. For this, the 30th-anniversary edition of the book, the company curated “Great Lists” of colleges in 26 categories. The lists name the colleges that have had a distinctive history of appearances on the ranking lists in past editions of the book over the years. Some of the “Great List” categories are: “Great Financial Aid,” “Great Career Services” and “Great-Run Colleges.”  Each list names 16-29 colleges in alphabetical (not ranked) order.

Webb is on the following “Great Lists” in “The Best 387 Colleges”: Best Northeastern, Best Value Colleges, Great Professor Accessibility, and Students Study the Most.

In a “Survey Says” sidebar in the book’s profile on Webb, The Princeton Review lists topics that Webb students were in most agreement about in their answers to The Princeton Review’s survey questions. The list includes: “students are happy,” “classroom facilities are great,” and internships are widely available.”

The Princeton Review’s school profiles and 26 “Great Lists” inThe Best 387 Colleges are posted at where they can be searched for free with site registration.

The Best 387 Colleges is one of 150 Princeton Review books in a line published by Penguin Random House.  It has been featured on NBC “TODAY” more than a dozen times and referenced by reporters in publications from Inside Higher Education to The Wall Street Journal.

The Princeton Review ( is an education services company known for its tutoring, test-prep courses, books, and other student resources. Headquartered in New York, NY, it is not affiliated with Princeton University.

About The Princeton Review

The Princeton Review®, is a leading tutoring, test prep, and college admission services company. Every year, it helps millions of college- and graduate school-bound students achieve their education and career goals through online and in-person courses delivered by a network of more than 4,000 teachers and tutors, online resources, and its more than 150 print and digital books published by Penguin Random House. The company’s brand is one of the largest online tutoring services in the U.S. It comprises a community of thousands of tutors who have delivered nearly 21 million one-to-one tutoring sessions. The Princeton Review is headquartered in New York, NY. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University. For more information, visit and the company’s Media Center. Follow the company on Twitter (@ThePrincetonRev) and Instagram (@theprincetonreview).

How Many Webbies Does it Take…

by T.J. Brackin ’16

The past year has brought more surprises than any of us could imagine. For many of us, work transitioned to something done from the comfort of our living rooms, rather than in our offices. But for some of us, call us the lucky few if you’d like, our work can’t always be done from home.

This is particularly true when that work includes visiting a ship. In February of this year, a team from Bruce S. Rosenblatt & Associates, LLC (BSR) performed a Deadweight Survey and Inclining Experiment of the hospital ship USNS Mercy. The Mercy is one of two hospital ships owned by the U.S. Government. Many of you probably saw news stories about the Mercy’s trip to Los Angeles to serve as a hospital during the early days of the pandemic. Considering the audience of this article, I suspect that many of you know what I mean when I say “Deadweight Survey and Inclining,” but I’ll give a brief overview just to be safe. The term “deadweight survey” describes the process of inspecting every space aboard a ship, and cataloging the contents – the weight and location of each item – of that space. This, as you might imagine, is rather time-consuming. Then there’s the inclining, which involves moving a series of very heavy weights back and forth across the ship to measure the ship’s stability. Combined, we call these two events a Stability Test.

For any ship, a stability test requires a lot of effort. But for a ship the size of the Mercy, “a lot” doesn’t even begin to cover it. The Mercy can carry more than 2,200 people at full capacity, and at 894 feet, is one of the largest ships the U.S. government owns. So, as you might imagine, BSR needed a little help to pull off such a massive undertaking. Fortunately for us, the timing of the stability test coincided with the Winter Work Term at Webb. Of course, BSR and Webb are certainly not strangers. At the moment, BSR has eight recent graduates on its staff: Andy Thompson ’15, T.J. Brackin ’16, Blake Loncharich ’18, L.J. Bock ’20, Mary McGuinness ’20, Rocky Regan ’20, Harrison Tack ’20, and Mike DeNapoli ’20. For the Mercy task, BSR’s staff was bolstered by three current Webb Students: Cross Weeks ’21, who will be joining the company post-graduation; Gabe Allen ’23; and Eric Heilshorn ’23, bringing us to a grand total of 11. Together, this unprecedented concentration of Webb talent tackled the Mercy Stability Test.

The BSR Team. (Not pictured, Andy Thompson ’15). From Left to Right – Cross Weeks ’21, Eric Heilshorn ’23, Gabe Allen ’23, T.J. Brackin ’16, Rocky Regan ’20, L.J. Bock ’20, Mike DeNapoli ’20, Harrison Tack ’20, Mary McGuinness ’20, and Blake Loncharich ’19.

At this point, I’m hoping I’ve convinced you just how much effort went into this endeavor, but just in case you don’t believe me, I have some numbers to help make my case (in true engineer fashion). The first number is time spent. All in, the BSR team spent a combined 176 working days aboard the Mercy, which works out to more than two weeks per person. In that time, the team surveyed 842 different spaces aboard the ship. We documented everything from toilet paper to CPR dummies to spare electric motors. If it was aboard the ship we surveyed it, and in some cases, we even surveyed things that weren’t on the ship. When all was said and done, the BSR Team had surveyed 2,020,480 lbs. of weight aboard the Mercy. For comparison, that’s approximately the weight of five Boeing 747 airliners. Suffice to say that all of us were pretty exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel each evening!

Then there’s the inclining. We had to coordinate with the ship and shipyard to have huge steel weights brought aboard, have tugs available to maneuver the ship away from the pier, cranes to move the weights during the test, and a small boat in the water alongside to take draft readings. Data collection stations had to be set up. And we had to have mother nature give us a calm weather day. Somehow, after months of planning, the test was successfully completed.

But, in true Webb fashion, we made sure we weren’t too tired to have one or two socially-distanced social gatherings while we were there as well. Despite having a team that spanned almost a 10-year range in graduating classes, there’s something about the Webb family that binds us and made the experience feel like we’d all known each other for years. I’m sure I speak for the entire team when I say that it was an experience we won’t soon forget!

Left: Gabriel Allen ’23 and Eric Heilshorn ’23 in front of the Mercy’s boiler. Right: Ready to start the test – here you can see the weights and the cranes used to move them during the stability test.

This article is also available on Webb News.

The Brocket Arms Pub Gets a Facelift

by Gailmarie Sujecki (Hon.)

How the Pub Came to Be

Through the academic year of 1971-72, Charlie Finegan (then Plant Superintendent) and his crew were busy building a new student pub in the basement of Stevenson Taylor Hall. With the completion of the new J. J. Henry Auditorium in the spring of 1971, the lecture hall located in the area that had formerly been a bowling alley was no longer necessary. As soon as it had become apparent that this area would be available, Admiral Brockett, responding to requests he had received from several students, had plans drawn up for the installation of an English-style student pub in the space.

Admiral Brockett, president of Webb from 1966-1974.

Originally the pub was planned as a Parents’ Fund project. A watercolor rendering was prepared and displayed during Parents’ Day and Alumni Homecoming. It was at the Alumni Homecoming that Mr. Leslie Durant ’39 saw the rendering. He and his wife suggested that they would like to help with making the pub a reality. Not having heard anything, Admiral Brockett called Mr. Durant who in turn told him, “We’ve got them started at the joinery in England, send them some dimensions.” Brockett was delighted, however, when Leslie Durant looked at the plans and offered on the spot to pay the full cost, which meant that construction would start immediately. Mr. Durant agreed to the donation with one condition – that the name would remain the same: The Brocket Arms Pub. Admiral Brockett, a man with a sense of humor agreed.

Les Durant modeled our Pub after the Brocket Arms Pub in the UK. The British firm supplied all the lumber already cut to size and ready to assemble. The entire pre-fab pub arrived in the fall of 1971, all in a single forty-foot box weighing several tons. The box was unloaded and work began. By the end of the spring 1972 semester, the pub was nearly finished, though it was not ready for operation until the following fall.

Mr. Durant had furniture sent from Peru, and the old Webb pool table was rebuilt. When it was decided that the furniture was not appropriate for the English pub setting, Mr. Durant sent a check for new furniture. The old furniture found its way into the upper classrooms. Also sent were various befitting antique decorations. But something was still missing in the eyes of the students. Ah yes, a sound system! Mr. Durant once again came through with a substantial donation earmarked for The Brocket Arms Pub sound system.

The Brocket Arms Pub in the early 1970s.

Modern Day Improvements

The new pub floor.

During the winter of 2021, Kirk Lehman P’22 spearheaded a renovation of the pub, recognizing how special this space is for the Webb family, especially for current students. In addition to his generous cash gift, Mr. Lehman gifted new oak flooring, moldings, and his time and energy spent staining the moldings, arranging for the purchase and installation of a new pool table. To help underwrite the cost of the renovations, Webb trustees, alumni, and past parents joined Mr. Lehman by making generous contributions to complete the project. We want to give special thanks to Richard Celotto ’73, Nolan Conway ’15, Hampton Dixon ’11, Katherine Dixon P’11, Jay Edgar ’87, John Hootman ’01, Andrew Ko ’16, Jon LaBerge ’76, John Malone ’71, Mark Martecchini ’79, Keith Michel ’73, Gene Miller ’96, and Wombi Rose ’09 for their generosity!

Reference Material: The Centennial History of Webb Institute; Fall 1973 Binnacle, and Professor Emeritus, Rick Neilson ’70.

Article as seen in Webb News 2021.

Adrian Onas: Inspiring the New Generation of Webbies to Participate in the SNAME T&R Program

Dr. Adrian S. Onas is a Naval Architect with over 25 years of ship design, operation, and research experience in the maritime industry and academia. His experience includes a 15-year career with DNV, followed by an ongoing academic appointment as Professor of Naval Architecture and Director of the Circulating Water Channel at Webb Institute since 2011. Dr. Onas’ interests include extreme events in nonlinear systems, biomimetics, theoretical and computational hydromechanics, and innovative ship design. Dr. Onas holds a Ph.D. in Ocean Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology. He is a member of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME), the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA), and the International Hydrofoil Society (IHS).

Professor Onas is the new Chair of the SNAME T&R Hydrodynamics Committee, within which he also leads the Seakeeping Characteristics Panel (H-07). He is now a member of the SNAME Council and SNAME T&R Steering Committee. Prof. Onas is also a member of the SNAME T&R Marine Forensics Committee. While he is excited about these new opportunities to contribute to SNAME in a meaningful way, he also feels that Webb students and alumni need to learn more about the SNAME T&R Program and potentially join one of its panels sometimes after graduation. He thinks it is a most rewarding experience to contribute by improving the technical knowledge base to assist the naval architecture and marine engineering community in designing safer ships, while reducing the impact on our environment.

SNAME has had a long tradition of spearheading programs that helped refine our understanding of how marine vehicles and offshore structures respond to their operating environment through quality research in several key disciplines. The importance of encouraging and sponsoring research is clearly outlined in SNAME’s mission. Such research activities have been carried out through SNAME’s Technical and Research (T&R) Program.

According to SNAME’s website, “The Society encourages and sponsors maritime research into areas of the ocean sciences by means of the Technical and Research (T&R) Program, with particular emphasis on marine vehicles and offshore structures. The T&R Program consists of ten T&R Committees, each dedicated to a general area of research. T&R Panels serve as subcommittees of each T&R Committee, to provide more focused research into defined areas.”

SNAME T&R program, with its ten committees, comprises a total of 72 panels, including one ad-hoc panel and two sub-committees. Here is a list of SNAME T&R committees and current chairs:

  • Hydrodynamics (H); Chair: Adrian S. Onas, Webb Institute
  • Hull Structure (HS); Chair: Roger I. Basu, Roger Basu & Associates Inc.
  • Ship’s Machinery (M); Chair: Richard D. Delpizzo, American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
  • Operations, Safety and Economics (OSE): Chair: Peter K. Wallace, SeaOne Holdings, LLC.
  • Offshore (OC); Chair: Alberto C. Morandi, Gusto MSC
  • Environmental Engineering (EC); Chair: Eleanor K. Nick Kirtley, Green Marine
  • Ship Design (SD); Chair: Robert G. Keane, Jr., Ship Design, USA, Inc.
  • Marine Forensics (MF); Chair: William H. Garzke, Jr., CACI
  • Small Craft (SC); Chair: Christopher D. Barry, USCG SFLC
  • Ship Production – NSRP (SP); Chair: Donald M. Hamadyk, Newport News Shipbuilding

The organization chart of the SNAME T&R Program is shown in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1 Organization Chart of SNAME T&R Program. Click to read.

The T&R Program provides an opportunity to SNAME members who are interested in sharing their expertise to advance research and help publish their results in the form of bulletins and technical reports. Due to recent improvements of the SNAME portal, virtually all published T&R bulletins or technical report can now be accessed for a nominal fee. The big challenge, of course, is to attract passionate SNAME members with the right expertise that can find the time to volunteer in the T&R Program. This is required by the high standard historically set by SNAME in the bulletins and reports published by the T&R committees. Such bulletins are used extensively by the industry, academia and often considered when regulatory requirements are updated. However, in the case of the Hydrodynamics Committee, although 44 bulletins were published between 1947-1993, the most recent is Bulletin 1-44, “Design Workbook on Ship Maneuverability”, (1993, 260 pages).

The SNAME T&R Hydrodynamics Committee is presenting much needed new material now and is in the process of drafting two new bulletins: (1) CFD-Informed Maneuvering Model for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) by D. Njaka, S. Brizzolara and D. Stilwell, editor A. Onas (CFD Marine Panel, H-11); (2) Hydrodynamic Loading of Marine Vehicles by A. Onas et al; (Seakeeping Characteristics Panel, H-07). The hydrodynamics committee is planning to add new panels soon, including Biomimetics and Extreme Events.

The Hydrodynamics Committee held its kick-off webinar on May 7, 2021, titled “Seakeeping in Modern Ship Design”. It was presented by Prof. Onas and Mr. Bastien Abeil (MARIN). The webinar included a brief review of the theory of seakeeping, and a summary of the problems encountered in modern commercial ship design and operation. The supporting case study presented the findings of a series of model tests performed at MARIN in bathymetric and metocean conditions representative of those encountered by the Ultra-Large Containership MSC Zoe. Her accident occurred off the coast of the Netherlands in early 2019 and caused the loss of an estimated 345 containers, producing heavy of an IMO designated Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA), Fig. 2.

Figure 2 (left, upper right) MSC Zoe’s container debris area; (lower right) MSC Zoe’s accident

It was found that although ships are designed to avoid low transverse stability, excessively high stability can also lead to hazardous situations (MSC Zoe’s beam is 59m). Large transverse metacentric heights can cause the ship to experience roll resonance in beam seas. Combined ship motions can then induce accelerations on deck and container stacks that exceed design values, which otherwise would be considered well within safety margins by classification societies. In addition, such resonance events are producing contact with the seabed in shallow waters, as it was clearly demonstrated experimentally in the seakeeping basin at MARIN (see Fig. 3).

The dynamic stability failure mode called parametric rolling, was mainly found to affect container ships with more conventional (reduced) stability and varying waterplane areas in incident waves. Feeders seem to be increasingly affected by this dynamic stability failure mode, with the smallest of the three scale models shown in Fig. 3. Parametric roll can also yield accelerations on container stacks that are far beyond the design limits of lashing equipment.

In this webinar, a brief overview of the work currently under progress was given in which the motion response of smaller ship sizes (Feeder and Panamax classes) in the North Sea is put under scrutiny. SNAME members can watch the video of the webinar “Seakeeping in Modern Ship Design” by logging on the SNAME webinar library at

Figure 3 Scale models of ULCS (left), Panamax (middle) and Feeder (right) tested at MARIN

As described on their website, Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (MARIN) “is a globally recognized top institute for hydrodynamic and nautical research.”

Figure 4 ULCS MSC Zoe lost 345 containers near the coast of the Netherlands on Jan. 1, 2019

This article is also available on Webb News.

Alumni Spotlight: David H. Collins ’73, Pastor, Sea Cliff Gospel Chapel

by Gailmarie Sujecki (Hon.)

David Collins ’73 with wife, Meryl.

This unassuming and kindly gentleman has had an impact on the spirituality of students, past and current, and, I am sure, will continue to do so well into the future. David Collins ’73 and his wife, Meryl, have opened their home to students for years, as a chance to get off campus and decompress in a relaxing environment.

Growing up in Massachusetts, he enjoyed engineering, old wooden ships, and technology. It was a guidance counselor who introduced him to Webb Institute of Naval Architecture. He did apply to other schools, but Webb won his heart, so off to Glen Cove he headed. The rigors of a Webb education are demanding, but assembling other students for a game of volleyball at 1:00 am was not unheard of. There was one night that he needed another outlet. As a senior, Dave was aware of a student prayer time in the faculty dining room. Through them, he found God’s help in dealing with the stress of senior year. It was then and there that he started his spiritual journey. At the Webb Centennial, classmate Rich Celotto said, as he welcomed Dave, “You’re still a naval architect, just a spiritual naval architect helping people craft lives to weather the storms of life.”

Upon his graduation he went to work for George G. Sharp, Inc. in New York City for two years and then decided he wanted a better understanding of the Bible, so he took a leave of absence to pursue a degree in Religious Education for a year. He returned to George G. Sharp but was working with young people at church, prompting his return to seminary where he ended up with Master of Divinity at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.

Pastor Collins returned to the Sea Cliff Gospel Chapel to do his internship, where he had been attending while at Webb. At this time, at a young adult gathering, he met his wife, Meryl, in the living room of the house they now live in – that was in June of 1977; by Christmas, they were engaged and then married in August of 1978. Dave was called to Pastor the Sea Cliff Gospel Chapel in 1978, where he has been ever since.

The crossover between engineering and the ministry runs deep in his family. His father was a mechanical engineer (Navy pilot) and then joined the ministry; one son is a civil engineer; another son is in the ministry in Pittsburgh; and his foster son, who they took in as a high school student, is a successful car salesman.

It was in the early 1980s that Pastor Collins began providing spiritual guidance to Webb students. And he has done so as students have requested help. His Church Service is available on Facebook service, and daily devotionals are posted there. Anchor Club has lately been reaching out to the Webb community with pizza and dialogue.

Matt Graham ’14 is so glad to hear the Anchor Club is still thriving! Matt named the group after Hebrews 6:19, and it definitely helped keep him stay partially sane. “Dave gave some great tips on how to lead bible studies and helped him learn how to form/ask good discussion questions. Dave attended almost all of them and often brought some great snacks. Dave also met with several students one-on-one, which really helped him. He really appreciated all the time Dave invested in us. Thanks, Dave!”

He has been meeting virtually twice a week with students for bible study/prayer time. During freshman orientation he invites the class to explore their spirituality, challenging them to fill out the other side of their lives. He has been with the Chapel for 43 years. In addition, he has presented the benediction and invocation at Commencement and blessed many a meal at on-campus events. He is always willing and able to help in any way possible, including cheering on the Webbies at athletic events, as well as individual counseling as requested.

The first Anchor club group photo, taken in 2012. (L to R) Will Sturdy, T.J. Brackin ’16, Brian Mills ’16, Jennifer Lorenc ’16, Matt Graham ’14, Kelly O’Brien ’16, Dakota Stagg, Erin Hub ’16, and Evan Wingfield ’15.

He feels students must develop more than just engineering knowledge. We need to care for our whole being, mind, body, and spirit. Webb stretches our minds. We need to also take care of our bodies, which sports, and other activities help. Then there is our spirit, which is easy to neglect in the stress of the Webb educational environment, connecting with a local house of worship, and Anchor Club can help us fill out that side of our being.

The Anchor Club in 2019, in President Michels’s kitchen, preparing meals for the local homeless shelter.

Spirituality: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

David Rhoton ’87: “Pastor Collins is remembered as a friendly, supportive kind of a guy you could talk to about anything and receive a balanced, well-reflected response from, and if I were to go back in time and give myself some advice, it would include being more proactive about meeting with him and talking through some of my inner struggles and concerns much more openly.”

Jackson Juska ’21: “Pastor Collins has also gone above and beyond in expanding the views and values of the students in Anchor Club. His true wish to draw people together, even people of other faiths or spiritual backgrounds, is evident in his invitations to dinners and barbecues at his house or by encouraging and supporting the Webbies in serving the less fortunate of Glen Cove. It is safe to say, Pastor Collins has helped many students thrive through the rigors of Webb.”

Hank Rouland ’21 feels that Dave Collins’ impact has been profound, an invaluable and enduring source of encouragement for students seeking to take their faith seriously. Dave Collins’ unassuming and unfaltering faithfulness, care, and hospitality have modeled Christ’s character to generations of Webb students.

Dan Desio ’21: “Pastor Collins is a kind and loving person who provides wonderful insight to anyone that asks.”

The Search for the Sixteenth President of Webb Institute

Webb Institute President, R. Keith Michel to retire; search committee has been announced

After nine years of service as Webb President, R. Keith Michel announced his plans to retire effective June 30, 2022.  He made the announcement at the October 15, 2020, Webb Board of Trustees Meeting, at which time the search for the sixteenth President was formally launched.

President Michel will leave a lasting influence on Webb with major milestone accomplishments including the Campaign for Webb, where members of the Webb community contributed a record-breaking $51.6 million in gifts and pledges; the design and construction of the state-of-the-art Couch Academic Center; and the expansion of the scholarship program to meet all demonstrated financial need of incoming students, to name a few.  Throughout President Michel’s tenure, Webb has continued to maintain its academic rigor, high graduation rates, and improved retention rates. During COVID-19, President Michel has continued to ensure the safety of students and employees as well as ensuring financial sustainability for Webb.

In August 2021, a committee of trustees, with the input of selected faculty members, administrators, and students, initiated a national search to identify qualified candidates. Jon LaBerge, Vice Chairman of Webb’s Board of Trustees, is chairing the search committee.  The search committee, working together with the national search firm WittKieffer, will conduct the search process, select and interview candidates, update the Webb community on the process and progress, and recommend a candidate to the Board for final approval.

“Webb provides a unique educational experience for its highly motivated and academically gifted student body,” notes Jon LaBerge, Chair of the Search Committee. “President Michel has had a remarkable tenure as President of Webb.  Selecting his successor to build on Webb’s recent successes and lead us into the future is a critically important role of the Board of Trustees and one that we take very seriously.  We look forward to an open and transparent process to identify a broad and diverse pool of candidates from which we will select Webb’s next president.”

The transition is expected to be complete by July 1, 2022. The finalists will be invited to campus to meet with the board, faculty, administration, and student representatives during the upcoming academic year.

The members of the search committee are as follows:

Jon J. LaBerge, Search Committee Chair; Bruce S. Rosenblatt, President of Bruce S. Rosenblatt & Associates, LLC; Dr. George Campbell Jr., President Emeritus of Cooper Union; Joseph J. Cuneo, retired Chairman of MARINEX International; Roderick MacKinnon, Professor at The Rockefeller University; Dr. Jennifer K. Waters, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs at SUNY Maritime; and Christopher Wiernicki, Chairman, President, and C.E.O. of American Bureau of Shipping.

About Webb Institute:

Founded in 1889 by New York-based shipbuilder William H. Webb, Webb Institute is a top-ranked undergraduate institution specializing in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering. Webb is the only full-tuition scholarship, private undergraduate program of its kind in the United States, with a maximum of 28 students being accepted into the program each year. Webb Institute’s beautiful, waterfront campus, is located in Glen Cove, NY, on the North Shore of Long Island.

If you would like to apply, express a suggestion or an idea for consideration,
please email Lucy Leske and Julia Bradley at moc.reffeikttiw@tnediserPetutitsnIbbeW.

Please visit our Presidential Search webpage for updates:

SD1 Projects: Built Different

Designers: Jonas Armstrong, Addison Harris, Kevin O’Keefe, and Gracie Schmitz

Vessel Type: Inland Waterways Dredge

Mission Requirements:
This self-propelled cutter suction dredger with hopper capacity will support maritime operations within the Nigerian Lagos Lagoon and associated waterways through channel deepening and maintenance dredging. It is designed to operate at extremely shallow drafts and has capability for offshore discharge of spoils.

Operating Modes:

▪ Discharge through bow nozzle during dredging
▪ Discharge through floating pipeline during dredging
▪ Dredging spoils to hopper for intermediate storage
▪ Hopper discharge through hopper doors, bow nozzle, or pipeline

View Built Different handout

View Presentation

Visit our Junior Class Small Vessel Design Project page to view all of this year’s projects.

About Junior Class Small Vessel Design Project (SD1):

As a part of Professor Bradley D.M. Golden’s ’99 Ship Design 1 (SD1) class, the juniors spent the first two-and-a-half months of the spring semester preparing their first complete concept designs.

Using the knowledge they’ve gained in their nearly three years studying at Webb and the experiences from their winter work periods to date, this was the students’ first opportunity to apply the naval architecture and marine engineering principles they’ve studied including stability, ship’s structures, main machinery systems, auxiliary systems, resistance and propulsion, and electrical engineering.

Working in small groups of three and four, the students selected one of the vessel types and took their first couple of spins around the design spiral to prepare vessel concept designs. To help make the project as realistic as possible, members of industry familiar with each of the vessel types helped prepare the statements of design requirements that each of the designs had to meet. To challenge the students even further, one or two “curveballs” were thrown into each design statement to make the students think long and hard about how they would achieve their objectives.

At the end of the spring semester, the students presented their final designs to their fellow students, faculty, and members of industry who served as part of an evaluation team. After three years at Webb, the Junior class can now say with confidence that they’re familiar with the design process and are well on their way to joining the fields of naval architecture and marine engineering.