Written by Richard Harris
It was certainly at least twelve years ago, and maybe seventeen. Some think maybe longer. However that may be, on November 5, 2022, history was made at Webb. The basketball team won a game! The fall of 2022 saw an influx of freshmen players—Finn Ackerman, Caleb Breckenfelder, Kyle Breen, Ethan DesJardins, Jack Jackson, Aiden Kavanagh, Ryan Krimper, and Corbin Olney, and the return of juniors, Tim Lazouski, Max Mah, Jack Otto, the first appearance of junior Addison Pope. Four seniors—Gabe Allen, Jonathan Allen, Eric Heilshorn, and Mark Reed—anchored the starting team, with the fifth senior, Jacob Dillistin, always calm and dependable, a backup at the guard position. And then there was freshman Andrew Karafa, one of the very rare breed among Webb basketball players: he is 6’4” and he played high school basketball.

Coach Harris talking strategy with the team during a timeout.
So, when the first game of the 2022 season arrived, Coach Koleda and I were wondering how things might go. “Coach K’ had already led the soccer team to two victories in their season, which had ended only ten days before the basketball season began. Now it was up to the basketball team to try to find at least one win too. Unfortunately, true to the Webb tradition, the basketball players had not been able to shoot the 100 to 150 jump shots per day that is considered a bare minimum for development as an effective shooter.
Evidently, the players from the Culinary Institute hadn’t been able to do that either. At the end of a low-scoring first half, Webb led 15 to 10. With many shots being missed, it was important to control the backboards, and Gabe, Eric, and Mark did just that. When Culinary attempted a full-court press, Webb easily broke it. With his ballhandling skills, Jonathan was able to control the ball and set up the offense. As far as scoring was concerned, Andrew took care of most of that. He had ten points at the end of the first half.
A few minutes into the second half, with Webb holding its lead, Lauren Carballo began emailing the students on campus who weren’t at the game to come to the gym to see the possibility of a Webb win. Andrew added another eleven points in the second half. Down the stretch, Jonathan and Caleb added key baskets, and when the final buzzer sounded, the score was 31 to 25. I probably should have searched for a line from Shakespeare that would suit the moment, but I didn’t. I told Lauren that I was simply stunned.

Andrew Karafa ’26 playing for a jump ball.
The remaining games proved more difficult, but I think everyone on the team will remember that day. The win was a tribute to the Webb players who came out for the team in the greatest number ever in Webb basketball history; to the leadership of the team captains, Jonathan and Mark; and to the players’ dedication and commitment to become better players and, win or lose, to enjoy playing the game.
Women’s Basketball
Written by Shayla McCombs

Rebecca Carson ’26 driving to the hoop during a Webb home game.
The 2022 Women’s Basketball team started their season with four returning Seniors. Captains Erin Postma ’23 and Kasey Kennedy ’23 led the way along with Natalie Webb ’23 and Tori Kim ’23. The team was led by our new Women’s Basketball Coach Shayla McCombs, our very own Shanna Hamilton’s daughter! She was an All-Star player in High School and College. The team learned a lot about the game and enjoyed their season. Hopefully, we can get enough interest in the coming years to keep the Women’s team afloat. Congrats to all of the Lady Webbies. Shayla will be the Assistant Coach of the basketball team alongside Richard Harris this fall.
Remembering Angela Chao, a Leader in the Maritime World and Honored Member of the Webb Family
It is with deep sorrow that we learn of the passing of Angela Chao, a distinguished leader in the shipping industry and a cherished member of the Webb community. Angela, the Chair and CEO of the Foremost Group, tragically lost her life in a car accident earlier this week at age 50.
At Webb, we had the privilege of celebrating Angela’s leadership and contributions to the maritime world. Webb awarded her a Doctor of Science (Hon.) degree and inducted her as an honorary alumna into the Webb Alumni Association in 2019. Her Commencement address served to inspire and educate our future leaders in the maritime industry and made a positive impact here at Webb and the world at large.
Joining Angela for that day’s award was her father, Dr. James S.C. Chao, the founder of the Foremost Group, a company that serves as a model for all in the maritime industry with exceptional customer service, superior performance, and pioneering environmentally sustainable practices in the shipping industry.
Angela’s passing is a profound loss not only to her family and the Foremost Group but to the entire maritime industry and the communities she touched. Webb Institute’s Chair of the Board of Trustees, Bruce Rosenblatt, reflected,
Our thoughts are with Angela’s family during this difficult time.
A leading force in the maritime world, Angela’s legacy is one of grace, compassion, and visionary leadership. Her profound love for her family, community, and the maritime industry shone brightly during her memorable and inspiring speech at Webb Institute in 2019. It was a proud moment for us when our Chairman of the Board, Bruce Rosenblatt, honored Angela with the degree of Doctor of Science (Hon) and inducted her as an honorary alumna into the Webb Alumni Association, a testament to her remarkable contributions and the deep bond she shared with our community. Angela was more than a distinguished guest; she was a cherished part of the Webb family.
Bringing Nutrition Education to Webb
By Kayla Green

Kayla demonstrating proper smoothie-making technique.
Nutrition initiatives in college are crucial for promoting a healthy lifestyle and improving the overall well-being of the student body. I realized the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and making informed food choices when I was in college, and I continue to use what I learned to make health-focused decisions in my life. FLIK, Webb’s culinary service prides itself on putting “wellness center stage.” They provide a wide range of fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains on their menus and account for a variety of dietary restrictions and allergies. Having these options readily accessible makes it easier to prioritize nutritious meals and snacks; however, even so, knowing what to eat to maintain a healthy and balanced diet can be difficult.
At Webb, where students are regularly challenged by a rigorous curriculum, packed schedule, and academic stress, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is especially important, but can often fall behind other priorities.
This Spring, the Office of Admissions, therefore partnered with health educators, to educate our community on nutrition. This started with a Monday Lecture from Christina Brockett, MS, CNS, LDN, a licensed Clinical Nutritionist, who offers individual nutritional counseling, group nutritional programs, custom educational talks and presentations, and corporate wellness programs. Ms. Brockett also explored how nutrition impacts mental health. At the Monday Lecture, Ms. Brockett provided Webbies with insight on how to properly fuel their bodies and adopt good habits while trying to meet the demands of Webb’s rigorous academic program. Using Webb’s food menus provided by FLIK, she tailored her presentation to Webb’s current food offerings. Her ability to present the subject in an engaging way, while connecting it to the Webbie experience made the presentation relevant and memorable.

Webbies enjoying nutritional snacks.
Building off of this lecture, I had the opportunity to co-host several mini, cooking classes with Anna Boyd, MS, RD, RND (and Webb Professor Spenser Boyd’s wife), whose field of expertise is in nutrition and dietetics. Final exam season is typically a time when studying takes priority and healthy eating takes a backseat, which can impact student performance. I, therefore, developed a Brain Booster Smoothie Bowl demo series. Smoothie Bowls are a healthy, but tasty snack that can support students with the nutrients needed for a full day of studying.
The goal of these initiatives was to provide information that could equip students with the practical skills, nutritional knowledge, and appreciation for healthy eating. These classes have the potential to shape one’s approach to food and promote a balanced, nutritious lifestyle. By prioritizing the physical well-being of students, colleges can create a supportive environment that fosters healthy habits and empowers individuals to make positive choices for their long-term health and success.
New Student Journey: First Year at Webb
by Hank Wolfe ’26
Over the last year, I have received the honor of becoming a Webbie and learning what the title holds. It’s more than a nickname or label, being a Webbie is a way of life – one that includes the excessive wearing of flip-flops and late night burrito orders. Jokes aside, becoming a Webbie has shined a light for me on the power of community. I came into Webb excited and ready to work but with some hesitation-hesitation about figuring out how I would fit into the Webb family I had heard so much about. The idea of living with a hundred peers seemed daunting. My nerves would settle as I joined my new home.
What a great first year it was! My classmates and I meshed from the start. Laughter became a norm in the design studio. Even on the nights when the homework seemed endless, the optimism and humor of my friends got me through. Learning to have fun and acknowledging the work will inevitably get done is the key to success at Webb. Having fun consists of different things for different people. Sailing is a huge part of it for me. Thanks to the opportunities the Webb sailing team and NEKA have provided, I traveled the east coast to sail, going as far as Key West with Zach Doerr ‘24 for a weekend during our Winter Work term.
The Webb family extends far beyond the classroom. I had the privilege of working at Michael Rybovich and Sons Custom Boatworks under Dusty Rybovich ‘10, the talented foreman, “Flipper,” and the rest of the crew. They eagerly took me under their wing, teaching me all there is to know about constructing sportfishing yachts. The hands-on experience I gained at the shipyard will last me a lifetime. While working in Florida, numerous other Webbies invited me to join them for dinner, and even stay with them for a weekend. The endless generosity from the Webb network was a constant reminder of how lucky I am to be a part of this community.
Going into sophomore year I am looking forward to meeting the next round of freshmen. I hope to lead by example, showing them the responsibilities of being a Webbie. I am excited to dive further into the NAME world, make more memories, and share laughs – all from the comfort of a pair of flip-flops.
Heritage Society Spotlight
by: Dr. Roger H. Compton ’61, PG ’64
Dean Emeritus, Webb Institute
I was introduced to Webb Institute of Naval Architecture quite by accident when I visited our high school guidance counsellor, Mr. Chiles, who was consoling me for not being the primary appointment in my class to attend the U.S. Naval Academy. He handed me a folded piece of paper with an anchor logo on it and said, “you’re interested in boats – you might be interested in this.” Thus began my life-long involvement with Webb.
After an interview with Admiral Haeberle, I was surprised – but delighted – to be offered a position in the Class of 1961 with 20 other young men from all over the U.S. Over the next four years, we bonded as a class, drank beer and ate pizza at Stango’s, struggled through Benny’s math courses and Doc Joe’s chemistry, metallurgy, and thermodynamics courses, and had many tales to tell about our Winter Work experiences. I enjoy telling my friends, who know nothing about Webb’s class size, that I graduated fifth in my class in both high school and college (without explaining that we had almost 600 in my high school class, but only 10 in the Webb Class of 1961)!
My first full-time job after graduation was at Electric Boat (EB) in Groton, CT, during the early days of the U.S. Navy’s Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) program. Exciting stuff! After working for a year in the Naval Architecture Department, I applied for a position in the EB Research Department. I was told that I needed more formal education. As it turned out, that was coincident with Webb offering a civilian master’s degree while working part-time in the newly formed Webb Research Department. George Kerr, Webb ’59, classmate Charlie Pieroth, and I were chosen to be in the first class. I was fortunate to have been able to take a couple of courses at Stevens Institute with Dan Savitsky and to be sent to IBM Headquarters in Manhattan to learn FORTRAN. That training allowed me to become the “computer guy” at Webb and to teach a few sessions of programming to Prof. Otto Karst’s junior math students. That experience, along with the superb mentoring of Bob Zubaly (Webb ’55), Norm Hamlin (Webb ‘44B), and Dean Tom Curran (Webb 1925) were instrumental in getting me to apply for a faculty position at the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA). During my 32-year tenure, my colleagues and I were able to establish an ABET-accredited major in naval architecture and build a world-class towing tank. Among the great young midshipmen that I had the pleasure to mentor, was Tom Kiss (USNA ’88), the son of Ron (Webb ’63) and June Kiss (Hon.).
While in Annapolis, I became involved in a very active community theater culture and, in 1981, was cast as Curly in Oklahoma! Guess who was Laurie? Jill and I have been together – and making music – ever since. Jill has made my life complete.
In August of 1998 I retired from USNA to accept the best job on the planet – to be the Dean of Webb Institute, while enjoying the shortest commute on Long Island. Although it was difficult to leave USNA and Annapolis, a dinner with Ron and June Kiss at which we discussed our mutual “adventure in Glen Cove,” sealed the deal for Jill and me. We thoroughly enjoyed our 13-year tenure during which we were able to introduce a small craft design experience with a formal presentation to an invited panel of professionals to juniors (SD 1), and to encourage Webbies – students and staff – to enjoy and participate in musical and theatrical activities. We were most proud of the success of the Webb Family Singers (aka the WooFS) and the two fully staged productions at our 2010 and 2011 Homecomings. After officially retiring in 2011 – the 50th anniversary of my Webb graduation – we were delighted to enjoy an encore year to teach a couple of naval architecture courses to the Classes of 2017 and 2019. From about 2005 until 2019, we enjoyed getting to know incoming freshman classes with the freehand drawing “coursette” offered the week before classes actually started.
In December 2016, we sold our boats and home on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and moved to a retirement community in Vero Beach, Florida. What we found was a town with many opportunities to sing, play water volleyball, and ride our bikes. Our two real boats have been replaced by three remote-controlled model sailboats – fun, but not quite the same as the real thing!
We are happy to be charter members of the Heritage Society when we named Webb the beneficiary of a life insurance policy and named Webb, along with my kids, Dawn, and Brian, to divide up the balance of our estate.
Without a doubt, I owe everything that I accomplished in my professional career to Webb Institute.
SOCO: A Year in Review
By Phoebe Garrett ’25 Annabel Bornebusch ’26

(Pictured Left to Right) Students Eliott Ocheltree ‘24, Ryan Krimper ‘26, Steven Katz ‘26, Max Mah ‘24, and Millay Metz ‘26 Performing Jazz Music at a Ruby Lounge Social
This year, students returned to campus in August of 2023 excited to begin a new school year! The first event of the year was a welcome back Community Social to celebrate faculty and students after the first week of classes was completed! Throughout the fall semester, the Social Committee continued to host Community Socials to bring together Webb students, faculty, and staff each month. The Yacht Club socials were especially fun for students and faculty to enjoy the warm weather, the beautiful yacht club and beach, and swimming and fishing in the Long Island Sound.
In October, the freshman class hosted their first Webb event: the annual Halloween party! The party took place in the Pub which was decorated with spooky decorations and had fun halloween-themed food, music, and activities! The costume contest was a highlight of the night where the students with the most creative costumes were recognized!
During the week of Halloween, the Social Committee also hosted a pumpkin carving contest where each class was able to carve a pumpkin for all Webb students to vote on a winner. The Junior Class pumpkin “Wear your PPE… or else” won and they had a pizza party celebration.
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it was time for SoCo’s annual Casino Night. The senior class, led by class representatives, Victoria Kim and Erin Postma, planned a magical casino night full of poker, blackjack, roulette, horse racing, arm wrestling, and more! All Webb students were dressed up and had a wonderful night. One of the highlights was the silent auction where students used the Webb casino money they earned throughout the night to bet on the array of prizes displayed at the event.
Following Casino Night’s great success, SoCo had a holiday decorating social where all of Webb’s faculty and students came together to decorate the Visconti reception room with a beautiful winter village and a christmas tree! There was holiday music and many snacks as well.
The SoCo Christmas Party was the last big event of the year. Ugly Christmas sweaters were encouraged for the event and the Webb jazz band played holiday music for the students to dance and sing along. Each class had fun gifting each other with gifts and celebrating the end of the fall semester.
In the spring of 2023, the first event was the annual St. Patrick’s Day party hosted by the Junior class. Festivities included a potato bobbing and potato throwing.
For Pi Day, students participated in a school-wide pie baking competition for a SoCo sponsored froyo trip by baking a pie that was judged on its taste, difficulty, originality, and presentation. The winning submission this year was the beef and stout pie by Will Calli, Miguel Sanchez, and Emma Passariello.
At the beginning of May, students attended the annual Cinco De Mayo party hosted by the Sophomore class. Students packed into the Brocket Arms Pub for Cactus-Cafe catered appetizers, drinks, and dancing. Some sophomore students, including Tyler Zylinski, Luke Foye, and John Feleciano, took on the role of DJ for the fun evening. Events in the month of May also included numerous yacht club socials and a Founder’s Day Social.
To continue a fun spring semester, on June 3, we had Webb’s Annual Webbstock! This year the festivities were fully revived after the pandemic and over 100 guests were in attendance. Everyone got to enjoy eating hot dogs and hamburgers while listening to live music performed by faculty and students as well as a band called “Yesterday’s News” which included Webb alumni Joe Cole (class of 1992). Students were also able to enjoy singing some karaoke, and rotating through the various lawn games, especially a new Webbstock Cornhole Tournament. Many students enjoyed racing through the inflatables, which included a 65-foot obstacle course and a double water slide. The class of 2008 sponsored the event in loving memory of their classmate, Johanna Lee Exner. During her time at Webb, Johanna was very involved in the Webb Social Committee and worked extremely hard to plan events such as Webbstock. It was extremely fitting for Webb’s largest event of the year to be held in her memory. A big thanks to the class of 2008, and we think that Johanna would have been very proud!

Group Photo of Webb Students, Faculty, and Guests at Webbstock 2023
On June 19, students dressed up in elegant evening attire to attend a fun-filled Great Gatsby-themed night. After a fancy dinner, students opened their bottles of champagne to a beautiful sunset. Students also played croquet and listened to music performed by a swing band, with a special feature by Max Mah ‘24.

Kasey Kennedy ‘23, Phoebe Garrett ‘25, & Annabel Bornebush ‘26
Read the 2022-2023 Annual Report!
Webb Institute is proud to present our Annual Report for the 2022-23 giving year. This year’s report showcases the invaluable contributions of our alumni, parents, friends, and trustees, whose unwavering support continues to impact both Webb and its students.
Your commitment is fundamental to our pursuit of academic excellence and the long-term viability of Webb. The dedication of our supporters is the cornerstone of Webb’s enduring success, and we thank you for continuing this journey with us in our commitment to excellence. Your partnership is not just valued; it is vital. As we look to the future, we are excited to continue this journey with you, building on our shared vision and commitment to excellence.
Click here to read the 2022-2023 Annual Report
Click here for the PDF. version
Senior Thesis: Development of a Method for Comparison of Shipboard Power Transmission Models
By Spencer Margosian ’23 and Tori Kim ’23
It is the beauty of research that in pursuit of solving even a seemingly simple problem, one will inevitably discover far more new problems to solve than they will answers to publish. Looking back on the past year, the best example of this was when our electrical engineering thesis was almost completely derailed for well over a month, by a problem fundamental to naval architecture. In this article, we would like to discuss how we came across this problem, how we solved it, and how this detour in our work taught us a fundamental principle of research. The minimum viable background for discussion of our thesis takes about four sentences. For large vessels, medium-voltage alternating current is usually used to transmit electrical power.
An emerging technology, medium-voltage direct current power transmission, is poised to be ready for commercial application approximately within the next decade. Because MVDC is a new technology, it is not well known to marine engineers and will likely be underutilized if it remains unknown.

Spencer Margosian ’23 accepting his award during SNAME’s Student Paper night.
Our thesis sets out to identify in simple terms whether MVAC or MVDC is the better system model for a given application so that a marine engineer does not need to do so from first principles. The first time we attempted to compare the two
system models directly, we created two calculation methods which modeled steady-state operation of a given vessel. When we tested the two methods with a computer script, the answers they returned looked like they made sense when considered one-at-a-time. Upon examining the entire set of cases, however, we realized that not a single case actually implied that DC was preferable to AC—not even those which we were positive would be.
The discovery of this fault effectively stopped us in our tracks, not knowing what we had done wrong or how we might fix our program to account for such error. To solve this problem, we would have to embrace a core principle of research: that setting out to solve a problem in one field will often result in encountering new problems in unrelated ones. Following the failure of the original analysis, we would come to realize that using a steady-state analysis failed to account for the biggest advantage of MVDC systems, which is their high efficiency in loads which vary over time. This meant that to properly compare the two system models, it would be necessary to model them as dynamic systems and not constant signals.
“We are immensely grateful to Webb for preparing us not only with the education in marine engineering necessary to understand marine electrical engineering, but also for providing us the naval architecture background that we needed to solve our resistance problem. Despite neither of us identifying as naval architects at heart, the Webb education prepared us to tackle every problem our research threw at us.”
We had found a new problem to solve—how does a ship’s electrical load change throughout a voyage?—and despite our original research being one of theoretical electrical engineering, the answer to our new question relied almost exclusively on our understanding of naval architecture.
The biggest load experienced by a ship at sea is naturally the energy required to propel the vessel through the water. As a ship sails through waves, the resistance imparted on the vessel varies constantly, changing the propulsion power. This phenomenon, called added wave resistance, cannot be easily predicted using statistics—in fact, it is not analytically possible to do so. However, by algebraically manipulating a well-documented standardized wave spectrum, we were able to closely approximate what the added wave resistance spectrum would look like and solve our original problem of characterizing how resistance varies over a voyage.
Watch Spencer and Tori’s Thesis Presentation below:
Click here to view the Class of 2023 Thesis Page
First-Generation College Graduate to Finance Chair
By Paulo Almeida ’95
I’m a first-generation college graduate and first-generation American from Danbury, CT, which unsurprisingly was recently rated the most diverse (ethnic, religious and socio-economic) city in New England. My parents grew up 15 miles apart in Portugal but met in Danbury, to where many people emigrated from the mountainous parts of Portugal and the Azores. My father moved solo after military service in what was Portuguese Mozambique then a stint in Nashua, NH. My mother’s entire close family immigrated in the mid 60s after earlier generations (including my grandmother who turned 102 a few months ago) returned to Portugal from New Bedford, MA during the Great Depression. Friends who know my roundabout transatlantic family history say it is not a surprise that I wound up in London. Despite being an ocean away, I’m happy to be very close to Webb in several ways.

Paulo Almeida ’95 giving a guest lecture at Webb
Value of Hard Work and Education
With essentially all of my interactions until kindergarten being Portuguese-speaking extended family and babysitters – other than a bit of Sesame Street and cartoons – I entered kindergarten with very little English. With the US generally being a great assimilator and probably some long-forgotten hard work from me, I, along with my brother and cousins in the same boat, quickly graduated to English as our first language. My parents came to the US with little more than decent job prospects through family friends, so we all saw the value of both hard work generally and education specifically. My parents invested in Catholic schooling – and lots of Lego – for me and my brother. My parents happily paid for my brother to get his mechanical engineering degree at Rensselear, and would have done the same for me, but surely it was more comfortable all around that I had a full-tuition scholarship at Webb. With socio-economic mobility nowadays not being as strong as it was in the 70s to 90s, and although the US is still far ahead of most of the world, the full-tuition scholarship at Webb is so valuable – even if it is not quite enough to meet the needs of all.
Finding Webb
I only barely remember now but after my parents dissuaded 12-year old me from trying to become a chef or start my own construction company (Thank you again for that!), surely I wanted to be an engineer. I investigated top engineering programs in the Northeast then visited several. Webb was love at first sight. First literally, because of the amazing campus, but also the small tight-knit community. Secondly, the pitch to me from an underclassman that ships are the perfect type of machinery to design because they involve disparate, challenging, interesting topics while at the same time many ships are simple enough that one person could complete the most interesting 80% of the design, leaving the detailed but often less interesting work to others. While this description is probably not 80% true, it is very powerful and I do very regularly repeat it. Unlike many Webbies who were very interested in sailing or military ships, although I was always fond of submarines, it was global commercial shipping that appealed to me. It is the intersection of my loves of applied science, geography and economics. Through yet another circuitous route, this led to me running a portfolio of over 60 ships from London for institutional investors. The practical aspects of the Webb education were big selling points to me. This was primarily winter work, but also field trips. With hard work being so highly valued from a very early age due to my family background, and at one point having wanted to start my own business before I was 20, the practical experience was a big differentiator versus other programs. Winter work also helped build lifelong bonds. I was lucky enough to not only be with Dean Werner twice for winter work but also celebrate his wife’s birthdays then. My favorite field trip was to the Sealand Quality, arranged by fellow Trustee Manny Hontoria. The legendary late Prof. Rowen in his characteristic wit said it could have been called the Sealand High Quality if it only had an MAN B&W engine!

Paulo Almeida ’95 receiving the 2018 Marine Money Deal of the Year Award
Achieving My Goals After Graduation
My Webb education, both in the narrow and broader senses, gave me a strong intellectual foundation, commitment to hard work and confidence that I could then build upon in my career. It prepared me well for being one of the youngest Masters in Finance (“MiF”) students at London Business School in ‘99/’00 and later among the older Chicago Booth executive MBAs in London ‘16-‘18, as well as my time in investment banking and investment management. Towards the end of my MiF, due to reasons familiar at Webb, I pulled an all-nighter after only basic knowledge of a math modelling package to design and price a complex financial derivative that earned an A+. Since completing my MiF, I have worked in high-performing organizations, advising on large corporate deals or equity raisings, bidding on large infrastructure assets and most recently building and running a large portfolio of globally-trading commercial ships with capital raised from very sophisticated investors including large pension funds. My personal background and Webb education gave me the broad and deep technical foundations and confidence to succeed.
Giving Back
Coming back to an earlier point, I’m an ocean away from Webb but am privileged and extremely pleased to be very close in several ways. After all, the traits I brought to and that were reinforced by my Webb education gave me the skills and confidence to facilitate my transatlantic journey and professional evolution. I’ve been lucky enough to be in a position where I can increasingly give back meaningfully financially. Separately, for nearly at least 7 years I’ve been giving a guest lecture to freshmen on buying a ship, making analogies to buying a house while also touching on many of the interesting commercial aspects of the global shipping industry. Other than family celebrations / holidays, this is always one of my favorite days of the year. A few years ago I joined the Webb Board of Trustees, and soon became Finance Chair as a small part of a broader well-planned succession program. We have such a strong, dedicated and increasingly diverse Board. This shows just how important Webb is not only to alumni, but the maritime industry. As John Malone and of course others say about the Heritage Society, it is never too early or too late to give back. I’ve been lucky and very pleased to be able to give back in different ways, and especially hope this helps well-deserving students who also want to give back however they can in the future.
Remembering Dr. Bruce Stephan
The Webb community mourns the passing of Dr. Bruce Stephan, who left us peacefully on December 28, 2023, at the age of 81. A native New Yorker, Dr. Stephan touched generations of Webb students through his 35-year career as a professor of mathematics at Webb Institute. He retired on June 30, 2007, and then became a Faculty Emeritus of Mathematics.
Even after retirement, Dr. Stephan’s love for teaching never dimmed. He taught his own children and grandchildren and tutored many others.
Dr. Stephan was an avid musician as well as a polyglot who was fluent in German and Russian. He loved to travel and explore distant lands with his wife, Jan, and their family. He wanted to ensure that each grandchild experienced his love of travel through carefully planned trips that broadened their horizons.
Rest in peace, Dr. Stephan.