Senior Spotlight: Jackson Juska ’21

Hometown: Avalon, NJ

Thesis Title: A Seakeeping Study of the Gyroscopic Effect of a Wind Turbine Rotor on a Moored Tension Leg Platform

Post Graduate Plans:
I am launching on an 11-month Christian mission trip, The World Race, serving needs in Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia.

What have you learned from other students?
“The work always gets done” – no matter how much work you have, never sacrifice spending time with the ones you love. Never skip a beautiful sunset, never miss a good wakeboarding day, help someone out every chance you have, when Webb loses power do not do your homework, the list goes on. I can’t remember the pain of the all-nighters but I will never forget the fun times with others.

Why did you choose Webb?
I originally chose Webb because I love engineering and the water. I also thought there was no way I could pass up possibly one of the most unique four years I will ever have. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. And honestly, Webb never ceases to surprise me. My original reason for staying only lasted a few weeks into freshmen year. I’m still here because I love the people, I love and appreciate the opportunities, and in a weird way it’s pretty fun.

What’s your favorite spot on campus and why?
My favorite part of campus is in the water about 100 yards off the Webb beach and looking up at the mansion overlooking the water.

Favorite Quote.
I have a couple: “Due tomorrow? Do tomorrow!”, “Ben how do I find this number for the homework? Ben: Carefully…”, “it will be done in two weeks”, “It’s always push”, “We have a WOJO tomorrow”, “Welcome to Webb!”, and many others.