Webb Institute is one of the nation’s top colleges for students seeking a superb education with great career preparation and at an affordable price, according to The Princeton Review®.
The education services company named Webb Institute as a Best Value College for 2020 in a feature the company posted on its website on February 4 at https://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings/best-value-colleges/. The feature profiles 200 schools that The Princeton Review selected out of 656 institutions the company considered and surveyed for this year’s project.
Seventy-five of the selected schools are additionally profiled in The Princeton Review’s companion book for this project, The Best Value Colleges (Penguin Random House / Princeton Review Books, 13th Edition, $12.99, February 4, 2020).
Information on the Best Value Colleges for 2020 project, its seven categories of ranking lists, school profiles and companion book is accessible for free with registration on The Princeton Review’s website.
The Princeton Review chose its Best Value Colleges for 2020 based on data the company collected from its surveys of administrators at 656 colleges in 2018-19. The company also factored in data from its surveys of students attending the schools as well as PayScale.com com surveys of alumni of the schools about their starting and mid-career salaries and job satisfaction figures.
In all, The Princeton Review crunched more than 40 data points to tally ROI (Return on Investment) ratings of the colleges that determined its selection of the 200 schools for the 2020 project. Topics covered everything from academics, cost, and financial aid to graduation rates, student debt, alumni salaries, and job satisfaction.
“The schools we name as our Best Value Colleges for 2020 comprise only 7% of the nation’s four-year colleges,” noted Robert Franek, The Princeton Review’s editor-in-chief. “They are truly distinctive and diverse in their programs, size, region, and type, yet they are similar in three areas. Every school we selected offers outstanding academics, generous financial aid and/or a relative low cost of attendance, and stellar career services. We salute Webb Institute for these exceptional offerings and recommend it highly to college applicants and parents.”
In the company’s profile of Webb Institute, The Princeton Review editors praise the school as “the only school of its kind in the country, Webb enjoys an unrivaled reputation within the marine industry,” and quote from Webb students who described the college as “THE college for Naval Architecture, and a job offer is basically guaranteed after graduating.”
The Princeton Review does not rank the colleges hierarchically on a single list, from 1 to 200.
The Princeton Review is also widely known for its college rankings in dozens of other categories, many of which are reported in its annual book, The Best 385 Colleges, published in August.
About The Princeton Review
The Princeton Review is a leading tutoring, test prep, and college admission services company. Every year, it helps millions of college- and graduate school–bound students achieve their education and career goals through online and in-person courses delivered by a network of more than 4,000 teachers and tutors, online resources, and its more than 150 print and digital books published by Penguin Random House. Its Tutor.com brand is the largest online tutoring service in the U.S. It comprises a community of thousands of tutors who have delivered more than 18 million one-to-one tutoring sessions. The Princeton Review is headquartered in New York, NY. The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University. For more information, visit PrincetonReview.com. Follow the company on Twitter @ThePrincetonRev and Instagram @theprincetonreview