ASNE named Webb Senior as their Member of the Month for October 2016!

dsc_0011The American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) has named Nicholas Ratinaud ’17 their Member of the Month for October 2016!

See below for Nicholas’ interesting Q&A session with Michelle Redmon, Membership Manager at ASNE.


Michelle: What got you into Naval Engineering?

Nicholas: My interest Naval Engineering was a gradual development. As a teen in Michigan I was involved with the Sea Cadets, a program which included training cruises aboard an old Navy YP vessel. This experience influenced my decision to attend Webb and pursue studies in naval architecture. During my time at Webb, the incredible exhibits I have seen at NSWC Carderock and ASNE Day have strengthened my interest in this field.

Michelle: What is a fun fact most people don’t know about you?

Nicholas: I went to circus camp for a few summers as a child. My skills may be a bit rusty today, but I learned how to juggle, spit fire, walk on a globe, trapeze, etc.

Michelle: What is one engineer/scientist/ or mathematician dead or alive would you like to meet?

Nicholas: I think that it would be fascinating to go back in time and meet William Webb. I would enjoy hearing firsthand about his innovative era, and I would like to inform him of the great impact that his legacy continues to have on the maritime industry today.

Michelle: If you could engineer your perfect concession stand/food truck, what would it be?

Nicholas: The NYC food cart/truck market could certainly benefit from a bit of diversification. I envision a mobile distributor of made-to-order empanadas with a diverse array of fillings, savory and sweet. These would be a competitive offering for pedestrians because they are less messy than sandwiches while still being delicious and healthier than a hot dog or snack food.