Webb Alumni, Professor Gallagher ‘78 Working to Repower Historic U.S. Coast Guard Sailing Barque

This summer, four Webb Alumni and Webb’s Professor Neil Gallagher are working with BMT Designers & Planners, a subsidiary of BMT Group, to repower the historic U.S. Coast Guard training Barque, Eagle.

Alumna Emily Whitman ’05, project manager and technical lead, is being assisted by Lidia Mouravieff Needham ’11, and Ray Nancoz ’88. John Gallagher ’74 also assisted in BMT Designers & Planners’ booking of the project. Additionally, Neil Gallagher ‘78, Webb’s Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, is assisting on the project by undertaking all of the shafting vibration analysis.

The repowering project involves engineering, design, supply and logistics support to install a new MTU 8V4000 engine, ZF gearbox, propeller, automation system, and other related components.

For more information on the projectÂ