Professor of American Foreign Policy
J.D., Brooklyn Law School, 1980
Ph.D., Political Science, Fordham University, 1989
M.A., Political Science, Fordham University
- Adjunct Assistant Professor (American Foreign Policy), 2015 – present
- Assistant Professor, SUNY Maritime College, 2009 – present
- Guest Lecturer (lectures on US-Turkish Relations and American Government), Bahcesehir University, 2014
- Levin Fellowship Program, Istanbul Technical University (ITU), SUNY Global Affairs, 2011
- Adjunct Instructor, Touro College, Fall 2007 – present
At Webb:
- American Foreign Policy
At SUNY Maritime College:
- American History
- American Foreign Policy
- English for Foreign Students
- English Reading and Writing
- Case Studies in Constitutional Law
- Russian History
At Touro College:
- American Government
- Supreme Court and the Constitution
- American Foreign Policy
- American Political Parties
- Topics in Political Science
- American History from Settlements to 1877
- American History, 1877 to present
- The Immigrant Experience in America
- American Women’s History
- American Labor History
- The Presidency
- American Cultural History
- America in the 20th Century
- Awarded Faculty Adviser of the Year at SUNY Maritime College, Spring 2015 (Faculty Adviser to the Pre-Law Club)
- “What’s Next for Turkey?”, Washington Jewish Week, June 2015.
- “Assessing the Status of US-Turkish Relations: Potential for Turbulence on the Horizon Likely”, 2014 Conference Magazine of the American Turkish Council.
- “A Realistic and Candid Look at US-Turkish Relations”, 2013 Conference Magazine of the American Turkish Council.
- “Plain Speaking About the Prospects of a Turkey-US Free Trade Agreement”, CONNECT Magazine (Magazine of the American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey), July, 2013, p. 40 et. seq.
- “Prospects for Turkey in the 2nd Obama Term: Good News or Troubling Prospects”, CONNECT Magazine (Magazine of the American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey)(AMCHAM).
- “Israel and Turkey are Talking – but are they listening?”, New Jersey Jewish News, April 17, 2013.
- “Turkiye Nerede Gidiyor? (Where is Turkey Going?), Amerikali Turk, June 9, 2013.
- “A Visit to Northern Cyprus, a Place That Does Not Exist”, Amerikali Turk, November 17, 2012.
- “Did Turkey Gain Anything Significant From Its Policy on Gaza?”, Amerikali Turk, November 22, 2012.
- “On Veterans Day, Recalling the Heroism of the Turkish Brigade in the Korean War”, Amerikali Turk, November 12, 2012.
- “The Impact of the 2012 US Elections on Turkey”, Amerikali Turk, November 22, 2012.
- “Trouble Brewing for Turkey in U.S. House of Representatives”, Amerikali Turk, November 29, 2012.
- “Bringing Together Turkish and Israeli Diplomats”, Jewish Post.
- “The Phone Call That Put Turkish-Israeli Relations Back on Track”, Jewish Post.
- “Pandora, Humpty Dumpty and the Genie: Can Turkey Extricate Itself From the Syrian Morass and a Foreign Policy Crisis?”, Bahcesehir University, HLO Quarterly.
- “In a Stunning Development, the Obama Health Care Program is Upheld by the US Supreme Court”, Magazine of the American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey (AMCHAM).
- “Reflections on Turkey At Year End 2011: A Complicated Political Aquarium of Fish, Sharks and Whales”, Bahcesehir University, HLO Quarterly, Winter 2012, p 31-4.
- “The World From Turkey’s Perspective, 2012: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities”, Bahcesehir University, HLO Quarterly, Spring 2012, p. 4-9.
- “Teaching in Turkey Summer 2011 – My Experience as a Levin Fellow”, SUNY Faculty Senate Bulletin, Spring 2012 issue, p. 15.
- “America Debates Its Constitutional Roots,” American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey (AMCHAM) Magazine, June-July 2012, p. 82.
- “All Roads Lead to Turkey – Turkey at the Epicenter of World Events”, American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey Magazine (AMCHAM), June 2011, pp. 70-71.
- “Ataturk’s Vision As A Guide for the Egyptian People in their Transition to Democracy,”, American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey Magazine (AMCHAM), March 2011, pp. 76-77.
- “U.S.-Turkey Relations Are On the Line”, The Hill.com, 4/23/2010.
- “Some Practical Suggestions from an American Business Lawyer,” American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey Magazine, November-December 2011, p. 70-71.
- “Reflections on Some Recent Developments in American Business Law and Litigation,” American Chamber of Commerce in Turkey Magazine, February, 2012, p. 58-9.
- “Obama and Davutoglu’s Future Visions: Compatible, Contradictory or Phantasm”, Turkish Policy Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall 2009, pp. 83-96.
- Review of Stephen Kinzer, Reset: Iran, Turkey and America’s Future, New Perspectives on Turkey, No. 43, Fall, 2010, pp. 201-202.
- “Comments and Insights on US-Turkish Relations”, American Studies Bulletin, Bahcesehir University, Oct/Nov/Dec. 2009, pp. 20-21.
- “Turkiye Nerede Gidiyor? Where is Turkey Headed”, American Studies Bulletin, Bahcesehir University, Jan/Feb/Mar 2010, pp. 22-29.
- “Turkey at a Major Crossroads: Tectonic Shifts and Prospects for the Future”, American Studies Bulletin, Bahcesehir University, Apr/May/June 2010, pp. 59-63.
- “The Turkey-US-Israel Conundrum: Is Turkey on a Collision Course wit the West”, American Studies Bulletin, Bahcesehir University, Winter 2010, pp. 17-20.
- “Taking Stock of Turkey’s Emergence as a World Power”, American Studies Bulletin, Bahcesehir University, Spring 2011, pp. 19-21.
- “Foreign Policy Implications Loom in Genocide resolution”, LoHud.com, March 10, 2010.
- Member, Advisory Board, American Turkish Council
- Member, Board of Directors and Board Secretary, Turkish American Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Panelist on Turkish Foreign Policy at the Annual Conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association, Middleburg, The Netherlands, 2015
- Moderator and Organizer, International Conference Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Canakkale/Gallipoli Campaign, SUNY Maritime College, 2015
- Moderator, Panel on TTIP and the Prospects for a US-Turkey Free Trade Agreement, 2015
- Panelist on US-Turkish Relations, Global Leadership Conference, Bahcesehir University, 2011
- Panelist on Turkish Foreign Policy and US-Turkish Relations, Transatlantic Studies Association Conference, Gent, Belgium , 2014
- Panelist on Turkish Foreign Policy at Program of the NYU Center for Dialogues, 2014
- Presented a lecture on Turkey and Israel at the Westchester Holocaust and Human Rights Education Center, 2014
- Moderator, Panels on US-Turkish Relations; and Crimea and the Caucasus at the Annual Conferences of the Assembly of Turkish American Associations