Sustainability in Ship Design and Operations (SISDO) is a key focus in the maritime industry, emphasizing innovative, eco-friendly technologies to reduce shipping’s environmental impact. The aim is to design more efficient ships that produce fewer emissions, paving the way for a sustainable future in shipping.
Webb Institute and the USMMA, in collaboration with MARIN and Wind Support NYC, recently hosted a two-day conference dedicated to SISDO. This event brought together maritime industry experts to explore cutting-edge technologies, innovative concepts, case studies, and success stories in sustainable ship design and operations.
The conference was held from October 28th-29th and covered a range of topics, including alternative energy and power technologies, emission reduction strategies, and ship recycling. For more insights, watch the videos below.
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Welcome to the Sustainability in Ship Design and Operations (SISDO) conference organized by two of our professors at Webb, Bradley Golden and Spenser Boyd.
The conference focuses on promoting sustainability in shipping and includes presentations, panel discussions and audience participation.
Electric Propulsion Integration Lessons Learned
Satchel Douglas
A Novel High Thrust Efficiency Stationary Wind Sail Enabled by CoFlow Jet
Gecheng Zha
Jones Act LNG Carrier Development – A Global Priority for a Domestic Resource
Gregory W. Beers and Ian M. Lawson
Intermodel Container for Human Scale Transport: A Concept For Boat to Bike Containers
Steven Woods
Performance Evaluation of a Flettner Rotor with Flap
Giovanni Bordogna
Driving Maritime Talent through the Marine Energy Transition
Francois Lambert
Economic Viability of Small Sail Freighters in the Northeast United States
Steven Woods
Wing in Ground Craft
Matthew Bonvento